First day and the vampires

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She put her earbuds in, as she stepped out of the castle, wearing her new school uniform. The school didn't have strict rules, which is a rarity, so she added a glass eye to her neck tie, which hung loosely around her neck under the blouse collar, and a white cardigan. She also wore her skirt fairly short, with her favourite tights- purple tights covered in eyes. She wore her black heels, and her fake eye belt, of course she kept frog on her, on her shoulder. She walked to the bus stop, taking a seat at the bench
Not long after 2 girls sat next to her, and the one closest to her, with blue hair, looked at her
"You're unfamiliar" she said in a gentle accent, most likely french or italian "a pretty thing though, clearly loves eyes. What's your name?"
Solace looked up, she had already paused her music, hoping inside this would be her opportunity to make a friend or two
"I'm Solace Amos, what's your name?"
"I'm Monday! This is my sister Wednesday!" She loudly introduced "but you're a pretty thing, most people would die for eyes and face markings that pretty, including such awesome horns- ugh id sacrifice myself to the dark lords to have your horns! Even the purple hair is gorgeous, were you blessed by the dark lords?" She complimented- more like ranted
"Ha, no... my mother was a pretty lady, she was the most beautiful of our home town, it's no question as to why she caught the eye of my father, if only she could've lived longer" she said, before noticing the red haired girl wanted to speak
"Where are you from?"
"Well Not from here, I was born to a human woman"
The bus arrived, and Solace sat alone, to listen to her music, despite as it would seem for others, she wasn't ready to socialise so fast, if she even could socialise properly. She sighed, resting her head against the window

The man knocked on the door of the gothic fashioned building- a large mansion surrounded by tombstones and graves, and an unnerving forest, a sane person would be running because the mansion looked like the house of a dangerous man, and nobody would leave alive. However, lucifer knew the man who lived here
Holding onto the mans arm gently was his friend, a shy and quiet yet sweet person to be around. Their name was Ashen, and they wore a pair of fishnet tights paired perfectly with ridiculously short shorts. They wore a halter neck cropped top, and a mask, along with high heel boots
After a few seconds, a servant of the house opened the door. A kind young woman in a short maids dress
"My sovereign, high priest" she said, as she curtseyed "the man of the house is here, if you wish to speak to him"
Ashen nodded, and looked to their friend
"Yes, we would like to speak to him"
The woman let the people in, before shutting the heavy door behind them. Despite her small and petite appearance, she was unexpectedly strong. That was the thing about succubus and incubus, they're strong without showing signs.  The maid lead the man and the priest to the study, where the man of the house was, next to him was a temptress, a familiar woman. Her name was Jaqe, and she rested against him, reading.. The man looked up, the purple eye of the lord meeting the crimson eye of the king
The lord was a man of above average height, with a muscular build. He wore the finest of gothic clothing. Lie the king, the lord lacked a second eye, covering it with an eye patch. He had a black fringe, with a long white ponytail, which fell to his waist. He had a beard, which fit his complexion well. He wore a black shirt and a dark red waistcoat, along with a bright red tie, this was paired with black trousers and knee high boots. The man smiled and waved
"Lucy! Ashen! It's been a while" he said, inviting them to join him "thank you, Svetlana"
Lucifer walked towards him, followed closely behind by his best friend
"The plan is falling into place" Lucifer announced, taking out the opal pedant from his pocket. The man chuckle at this
"That girls one talented little woman, you use be proud of your daughter" the man said as the guests sat opposite of him. He paused, before speaking again "the young children seem to be more talented then the adults at some things. It's surely a majestic and beautiful thing, my eldest just pulled the heist of the century in her field, I've heard storm took down a convent on his own"
"Vera, the children are incredibly talented, were all obviously proud of them, they always push themselves a extra mile. Solace, for example, stole nearly a trillion dollars worth of jewellery and got herself a dagger at the same time, if we train the children, imagine how far they could go"
Vera sat back for a bit, thinking for a response, before Jaqe spoke
"They're still just kids though, we should still make sure they live their life. Although im sure mistress 4000 names would disagree"
Ashen listed their hand, ashen is a mute by choice, they don't like to talk. Everyone turned to Ashen, and they began signing
"The plan is so incredibly expensive, how do we plan to solve that?"
Lucy chuckled "theres a con in economy, leave it up to us Amos to solve that" he smiled, winking, everyone knew what he meant. The Amos clan were going to con people. They were masters in that, and everyone new that, especially Solace and Lucifer
"The family built from bureaucracy, what cant they do? Masters in Conning, fighting and naturals at public speaking. Let's not forget a few can go out in the sunlight, too!" Vera exclaimed, and Lucifer turned away, deep in thought
"I can certainly get solace to trick someone, she tricked an angel into selling his soul" he spoke, before looking at the table
"The real question is how much time she has left, isn't it? She can't have much time, shes in a state" Jaqe asked, and lucifer paused for a few seconds. The thought his daughter was dying still didn't sit right with him. He didn't like to think about how much time she had left, and wants to spend as much time with her before she died
"I'm not certain, not even Mommy is sure. Between 12 and 18, thats what she says, the only way she will live is if her powers awaken"

Solace sat in class, she didn't know how to socialise to anybody and didn't know how to fit in, while the others had a friend to chat to, she sat there alone. She always found peace in her solitude, making her given name of Solace pretty ironic. She stared out of the window, lost in her thoughts, before a pair of hands slammed on her desk. This startled her, and she turned to the person, a few inches from her face
"You don't look like an imp species I know, what are ya?" The person asked, and she leaned back
"Not an imp" she growled, she hated being questioned on what type of imp she was, knowing deep in her empty and lonely heart she was not an imp, but much more- a great ones 10th generation child
This answer only seemed to piss the person off more, and everyone faced towards them
"So what are ya?" He ordered, and she let out a smug smile, relaxing her face into a questioning but cheerful smile
"I'll pass" she answered, but this angered the person more, and she sighed, rolling her eyes, before pushing the guy back "personal space, dude! I'm a shinigami born great one, if it's that important to ya" she exclaimed. This answer was correct, but that only angered the boy off more, and he got closer to her face. Solace was angered at this reaction, and she shoved the man, pushing him across the room
"Give me some breathing space, man, you're stealing my oxygen!" She ordered. All eyes were on her, but she just sat back down and glanced out of the window
The blue haired girl approached, and stood in front of the girl
"Uh- what is your name?" She asked. The girl faced her, smiling gently, before giving an unexpected answer
"Which one? I've got some four thousand, right now I'm Solace" she answered, a warm emotion heard in her voice
The teacher stepped into the room, and everyone sat at their desk
"Alright class, we have a new student here, wish to introduce yourself?"
Alright, Samira, you've practiced this, let's just get it done and over with
Solace stood up, and put on a fake smile
"I'm Solace Amos, a shinigami, I was born in Michigan, I like music, writing and I hate humanity and gods"
A kid across the room stood up, before shouting "what's royalty like you doing here?"
"Well, friends and excitement! I can't spend my entire childhood being a soldier of hell, even if I wanted to, it's good to see what kids my age do"

"Woah woah woah- hold on a god damned fucking second! You've got carpes?" Vera exclaimed, leaning forwards towards the mute, listening with interest. Lucifer sat there, his arms folded tightly yet comfortably along his chest, and his legs crossed. He had closed his eye, with a frown that he never seemed to take off- also known as the man never fucking smiled. Ashen nodded, smiling yet nobody saw from under the cloth mask
"Yes, I have- a pair. A boyfriend and girlfriend who are madly in love" ashen signed, holding eye contact with Vera. Ashen was good at holding eye contact, much better then any imp either Lucifer or Vera knew. Vera chuckled at this
"Incredible! Where are they?" Vera wondered
"They're still human, with targets on their head"

"Who's that?" Monday questioned, and Solace turned to the stranger her new friends did not recognise. She recognised them immediately, however, and shouted for her friend
"Lord Myth!" She shouted "a talented soldier and a good friend, a genius! Passed school when they were just 12, and the only one to pass fighting that year! Lord Myth!" She yelled
The tall person turned to Solace. The freakishly tall person, with a mostly short haircut except for one section which was kept tied together at the front, i think Myth said it was traditional of their home to have a hairstyle like that, but it wasn't any of solaces business to criticise tradition. They were dressed more casually then seen before, with a suit, but in place of a blazer was a trench coat. They turned to face her, and approached.
Kneeling in front of the girl, the lord gently kissed the back of her hand.
"your highness, it is an honour to be in your presence"

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