Succumbing to the incubus

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"This is effective stuff, I've mixed it with the gloss you requested. Even Drifter admitted she couldn't detect it when she was told the lip gloss flavour, this should work" Mother said, turning to the man next to her "one lethal dose of succubus venom"
"This should work perfectly" Vera complimented "he stands no chance"
Mother turned to face him, asking a question
"What is your plan?"
He looked at her, smiling a sadistic smile
"There's an archangel called Everest, real problem for us. Archangels don't follow the same laws, and he's known for frequenting a few brothels"
"I see where you're going" Mother chuckled "you're gonna hire him as a client, then poison him"

Stepping in, he was welcomed by a young and attractive lady, as she closed the door firmly behind him
"It's not everyday a gorgeous man shows up at my door, how can we be of service?"
The woman was short, much too short for a formal conversation with a man of 6ft 8, so they approached the sitting area, quiet. However expected from a Monday night, just turned dusk, Monstrance having just chimed to indicate safety
"I heard from a small tar... you are all Cardinalists" he spoke, slipping off the coat from his shoulders. The woman in charge got protective fast
"So what?" She defended
"I'm not judging, I'm Vera Byron, lord of lust. I've come to make a.... a proposition if you will"
The woman signalled him to hold on, as she stepped upstairs, returning shortly with prostitutes of many different body types and races, all dressed elegantly, but leaving something to the imagination
"There's an archangel walking around, causing trouble to the trade routes from hell to here. My proposition is..." he began, before slipping something out of his coat, placing it on the table
"Let me pose as a worker here, take him down and poison him. It's undetectable as it's seen only as undiagnosed diabetes or a heart condition. Each one of you will get a fair pay... let's say 20k each? I count 12 of you, so that's 120k. Does that sound agreeable? We can certainly discuss the price further, and a friend of mine will gladly chip in a dollar or a million" he posed, and everyone turned to each other, discussing in a language he did not speak
"$20,000 for letting you use our building? That's a shit ton of money, are you certain?" One questioned, and Vera smugly smiled
"Hell is filthy rich, our leaders wealth- my friends- is uncountable, name a price and I will complete it"
Another stepped forwards, she appeared anxious and spoke quietly
"How would you poison him?"
Pulling out the tube from his waistcoat, he held it up
"I had a friend of mine concoct a batch of succubus venom and mix it with lip gloss, even had my chemical sensitive wife test it out, it's truly undetectable. It's highly effective"
One of the men, a muscular and lean man, stood up
"Do you even have 120k?" He asked, and Vera reached into his pocket, pulling out a bundle of $100 bills, tied into 12 equal wads, laying them out on the table
"Of course, the price is negotiable, the king wants this done as soon as possible" he explained, before looking at the man directly
"Not satisfied with the bargain?" He questioned, a gentle slyness and eeriness in his voice. Flustered, the questioner responded
"No- what man would carry 120k on him?" He asked, and Vera simple chuckled
"Man? I'm not human. Humans use the terms man and woman. We do in hell, however not when we're on earth because we are more then humans. Ethereals. The proper term for me is a Vir. And since I am not human... I do whatever I want. Now..." he explained, standing up and draping the long red coat over his shoulders
"Do we have a deal, Madam?" He questioned, extending his hand out for a shake. The markings were strange, an upside down pentagram on the palms. His nails were kept short and neat, as expected by the lord of lust, blackened naturally with vampirism. There was something about him. Maybe it was from the clearly expensive cologne, the sole slit iris staring, the tall and lean man standing at 6ft 8, or an air of lust and bloodshed about him, but everyone was intrigued and uncomfortable around him. Intrigued to know him and his tactics, uncomfortable about his stature and ability to turn violent at his own Will with no repercussions
The madam shook the taller man's hand, quickly examining the rings he collected. Wedding bands and rings, multiple in different colours. Opal, emerald, diamond, ruby, sea glass and obsidian, beautifully crafted with elegance and precision. However, the opal appeared to be crafted with careful precision, alongside the obsidian one- although clearly made by different people
"You're married?" She questioned, and the man nodded
"6. I'm a lord, a husband, a brother and a father doing what has to be done to save my world and my consorts"
"We are under your control, lord of lust. Ask and we shall complete"

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