How to hunt down angels while youre a wanted criminal

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Drifter walked into an inn, her purse ready
"One room, please" she politely asked, as she got the keys for a room, and she handed over the appropriate cash. The guy seemed nice and gentle, but maybe thats because she appeared to be a solo traveler. He also appeared to be on edge, maybe it was because of her cultish look. However, he didn't hesitate so she didn't have any reason to accuse him of anything. She thanked him and simply went on with her business
She unlocked the door with the keys, looking around the place wary of the place. She looked around. The kitchen was small but bearable, attached to a small bedroom with a double bed. Hidden around the corner was a small bathroom, it would've given a claustrophobe a heart attack, however she was not one and evidently could handle tiny spaces better then anyone else. Examining each environment with caution, she looked around for cameras. She didn't need cameras unveiling her plan. No cameras were in sight fortunately they. Sighing, she dropped her bag onto the bed. She had to think and plan, she thought hard, as she ruffled through the backpack she bought with her, pulling out makeup remover, body foundation, hair dye, coloured contact lenses and some more makeup lent to her. She then laid on the bed, thinking, before she closed her eyes. Only realising now how tired she was, she needed- and very much appreciated- she slept it off

Awakening, she sat up. It was now time to get ready. She had slipped out of bed, getting ready. She showered, the water wasn't as warm as she would've liked but it was bearable. Letting the cold water flow over her body, she cleaned and freshened up. When she stepped out, she got on with dyeing her hair. She had been given a blonde; elegant and pretty, fitting her skin tone and complexion well. She brushed it onto her delicate white hair, before washing the excess off in the shower. She did her makeup, making it more natural then what she's normally used to. Being careful, she painted over the markings on her body in the body foundation, given to her as a gift by another albino who said it was fantastic on missions, it covered her markings with ease, and dried like it wasn't there. Slipping on the garments she wore as she fell- mostly grey fabrics, with white layered on top, she looked at herself in the mirror. Wings staying white due to albinism, she looked like a regular angel. Nothing abnormal about her except the lack of a halo. Taking out the contact lenses from the case, she carefully put them in her eyes. She was ready now, as she added the jewellery and the shawl
A fly swarm appeared, holding something. A 10ft staff, which she carefully took, it had been hidden to resemble the staff of an angel, as she touched the handle, the flies disappeared
"Thank you, Lucy" she whispered as the flies disappeared as fast as they came. Slipping the key around her waist after locking the door, she left. The innkeeper watched in amazement as the woman he let stay there, masked and cloaked, emerged as an elegant and divine angel

Drifter knew she was not alone. She had seen the same faces multiple times, one of a friend but many of a foe. The friend stayed back; her approaching would cause a world of problems for the fallen angel, however the foe kept on watching, focusing on her; watching. She took notice of this, walking down the street, and she took a turn off course from where she was headed, making her way to the foe. The friend did the same, keeping her distance, but leaving a bag in her path. Drifter examined the bag, taking the pull string
"Throwing knives, good ones too" she quietly exclaimed. They were the right weight for her, and the right size for her too, she preferred some weight. They landed with impact, and she was good at throwing them- sometimes it's almost impossible to remove a throwing knife she throws
Approaching, she would make her mark and take them down. She put the right amount of knives in her hand, resting in between her fingers
"You're not on this mission! Who are you?" An angel yelled at her, and she looked up. Cold, piercing eyes staring through their souls. Lowering her head, she stared through her eyebrows towards them, carefully lifting her hand with the knives, before violently swinging it towards them
The blades made direct hits between the eyes, imbedding in the skull and hitting the brain. The angels fell backwards, and stopped moving after a small window of agony. Walking towards the bodies, Drifter scavenged what she could- money, jewelry, wings, anything worth a dime or she could use further down the line, she stole it
Looking at the friend, she signed
The friend stood confused for a second, before the Drifter walked away, leaving the friend to take back the goods to hell
Stepping away from the crime scene, drifter carried on with her path; her mission

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