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The women were elegantly dressed, a black haired woman with a blue veil decorated with gold detailing and stitching, with a loose fitting dress, and a thin lace shawl. A green haired woman, with her hair plaited, fitting nicely with her sleeveless low cut dress, with a slit up the side, and a pair of 5 inch high heels. A blonde and brown haired woman, with her hair french braided, and a loose fitting dress, and a corset, with a pair of flats. A tall white haired woman with a royal purple dress with both slits down the side, and a short woman with white hair in a suit jacket and floor length dress
"Alright, ladies!" The woman with the headdress announced "we have been requested to appear in the capital! No silly business, jaqe"
The blonde and brown haired woman, Jaqe, scoffed
"Oh come on, Luke, don't get too serious" the shorter white haired woman scoffed, stepping forwards
Drifter, the shortest of them all, she was a new arrival in hell. It has been just a year since she became a recidivist, and lost everything she had, however she's been in hell for a year, and has so much heaven couldn't have given her, she had everything a woman like her would need in life- money, books, good friends and family, a husband, freedom to practice necromancy, good food, good drinks, books with no filters on them, but most importantly safety. She didn't care as much for the others as she did her safety and freedom
She remembers when she first came here- scared, shy and quiet, after a year she's now back to her normal self

It was a short carriage ride to get to where they needed to be- they were requested in the capital, but they did not know what for. Luke and drifter did not speak the entire ride, that was normal. Luke is a serious woman, and Drifter likes watching the world go by. The other 3, jaqe, Ophelia- the green haired one, and Cheyenne- the white haired taller woman, spoke and chatted with a child like purity and energy
"That book was incredible!" Announced Cheyenne "But I prefer the third one"
"Ah, really? What is it about it?" Ophelia asked
"It was beautifully written!" Cheyenne explained "it was nothing short of incredible and beautifully paced. Drifter, didn't you read that book?"
Drifter turned to her, and thought for a second
"I did, there was a cover in my native language I found so I read that one. I preferred the fourth, the main character is more relatable to me"

After the ride, they arrived in the capital, and was escorted by armed guards, into the castle of the Amos family. Despite being here multiple times, Drifter was always impressed by the gothic and impressive architecture, built especially for the first Amos when she was just a babe, and every Amos has lived here as a tradition. A smaller but very impressive mansion was built for the leader of the military and her family. Drifter was aware the first queen was the end of a bureaucratic government, apparently she was the daughter of the lord of old gods- well, at least the old one, there's a younger one now- the building were tall, with complicated Roman style collums on every building, built in black rock bricks. The windows were tall, with some being stained glass, especially as they approached the castle of the king. Impressive balcony's stood above them, with metal bars as a barrier
"Hey" luke whispered to drifter, grabbing her shoulder and leaning in
"Apparently 5 of the rulers of hell married angels, the first 4, and the 6th. It's seen as bravery for an imp to marry an angel here" luke explained, and Drifter sighed
"Back in heaven it was seen as a sign of stupidity"

"You broke multiple laws of heaven, you traitor!" One angel yelled at the beaten drifter. It's true she had, but she planned on leaving before she was caught
"You're a beautiful woman, but beauty won't ever forgive your black and unholy heart!" Ebby yelled at her, and Drifter looked up at her
"Are you certain I'm the one with the black heart?"
All of a sudden, she was shot backwards, falling from the heavens

Drifter opened her eyes, and saw a hand was on her shoulder- it was lucifer
"I'll have a blacksmith make a mask for you, treasured consort Drifter. We're attacking heaven" he spoke, and she turned to him with amazement
"Yes, it's not just us two. Follow me" he explained, taking her hand, and leading her to a room, in it was a bunch of familiar, and a couple unfamiliar faces

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