loss of a brother and birth of the dragon

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Here Hanzo and Izuku were brothers and were wanted by their father to both rule the shimada but of course fate had other plans. Also ochako can heal like mercy and mei looks like D.va. and shoto is like the reaper

On May the 7th (2 years before izuku was born) inko shimada gave birth to a boy with blue hair that faded equally into green like his mother. Then after two years on july the 15th izuku was born with mostly green hair which he got from his mother and some black he got from his father. 3 years passed and hanzo was kidnapped by an unknown party and was never found.

Even though he lives in a society with most of the world with powers, he was unlucky enough to not be Quirkless. This made his father even more determined to teach Izuku the ways of the ninja, to both protect himself and to make him strong enough to lead the Clan in the future. But Izuku didn't want to lead the Shimada Clan, nor did he care about it. This made his father rather disappointed, but Izuku and his mother Inko Shimada, despised this kind of business. Despite all of that, Izuku really loved ninjutsu training. His mentor, Higuchi Ryuu (made-up name), was a kind but strict man. He would teach Izuku day and night, and Izuku loved to train and was a fast learner. He quickly mastered all the techniques of ninjutsu and was learning to control his inner dragon spirits. "You know the books, now do it practically." Ryuu explained to Izuku. It was one summer afternoon, Izuku just turned 10 y/o and is now with Ryuu to train how to wield his Dragonblade.

Izuku's POV

I was in front of a practice dummy. I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly. After about 5 to 6 seconds, I looked up towards the dummy determination and yelled: "Ryujin no ken wo kurae!" as I drew my Dragonblade from my back saya (the Japanese word for scabbard) and swung it circularly around two of my sides with a trail of green energy swirling along with the katana (like when he ults) but I accidentally cut my hand. I hissed and quickly put the sword back in the saya, then proceeded to hold my wound. Ryuu slowly walked to me and said: "You are not focused, this is not the determined Shimada I know, what seems to be bothering you?" Ryuu said very wisely. I stood there hesitantly, then I said: "Father has been encouraging me to grow up so I can lead the Clan, but..." as I looked down at the wooden floor and started tearing: "... all I want is to help people, even when Quirkless. I've learned to master at being a ninja, and it will only take a bit more time to master my Dragonblade. I hate it when my father does illegal things and hurt people!" Ryuu stood there, giving me a sympathetic look: "I, too, despise such work. But I simply can not do anything against your father." I looked up with teary eyes. "But I will continue training you so you can one day help as many people as you can. You want to become a hero, right?" I gave a big smile and wiped away his tears. By now, the wound had stopped bleeding. I stood up then put my hand on the handle of the blade again. I stood quietly and breathed slowly. I then drew my blade and a green trail of energy swirled along. I now did it flawlessly with my Dragonblade drawn and a massive green spirit dragon next to me. I then proceeded to dash towards the dummy with blinding speed. When I neared the dummy, I jumped in the air and did a mid-air spin, the katana following behind. Then the blade was brought down, slicing into the dummy, cutting it in two pieces "If you believe in yourself, anything can be done..." Ryuu said. "One more thing, you already know that every year after your birthday, you get a longer, better Dragonblade, so I made you one myself this year!" Ryuu said proudly. I perked at this. Ryuu took out a long blade in a saya and gave it to me. I drew the blade and his eyes widened even more. It looks like Genji's katana but a bit shorter

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Only use it for the good, your protection and for the sake of others" Ryuu said "Now that it's over with, let's get to meditating"

Ryuu taught me that meditation trains the mind and soul. "A strong body is nothing without a strong mind" is what I recall my mentor saying. And after years of meditating, I gained an abundance of patience, calmness, I also understood the meaning of life and to accept what fate has in store for me.

Inko Shimada was the best mother in the world, she taught me life lessons. She would always protect me from danger due to me being the only one close to her. I came into my room to see her looking at old photos. "What's wrong mother?" I asked which startled her a bit. "I'm just looking back at the past. You've grown so much throughout the years and have honed your skills. You will grow up a fine man and then you'll have your own life to think about... and I'll be alone." she said. "Don't worry mother, I'll always be with you." I said as we hugged each other then I laid on the bed, ready to sleep. "Mother, I'll become a hero and protect everyone, even you." I quietly said as I started to drift into sleep. She kissed my forehead and tucked me in. She walked out the door and looked back at me, Inko's POV

I could see a vision of him in the future saving people left and right. I slowly closed the door and proudly said to him: "Be the hero you desire, protect everyone, and no matter what situation you find yourself in, remember, I will always be with you."

This story is my top concern all other stories shall be put on hold until this one is finished. thanks for your understanding. and word count is 1054.

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