Bakugou's quirk and the nightmare

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Weeks later

Deku's POV

We were on the bus. I was sitting next to ochako. "I wonder which hero is going to be teaching us today." she said. "Well, Aizawa is an ungrounded hero. All might is a limited brawler. It will more than likely be a rescue hero." I explained. We arrived and ochako was excited to say the least when she found it was her favorite hero thirteen. Thirteen then led us around when the lights flickered, the fountain spluttered in the courtyard below. My eyes were then drawn to a mass of purple mist in the center of the dome below. A single pale hand pulled the mist, grabbed the miss, pulled a man with several hands grasping onto his body. "Is this like the entrance exam? Has the lesson already started?" someone asked. "No, stay back! Those are real villains!" aizawa yelled. We all took a collective step back while aizawa and thirteen took a step forward. The courtyard slowly filled with an army of villains. "Thirteen protect the students! I'll hold them off!" aizawa ordered. "Are you crazy?!?! You're an undergrounded hero!!! Your fighting style isn't suited for group fighting!!!" I yelled. Aizawa looked at me with a smirk. "You can't be a hero with just one trick kid." he said before charging into the army. We then ran for the door when the purple mist circled around us. Hanzo, me and ochako immediately huddled together. Then everything went black. When we came too we noticed something. "Where's Bakugou? They most likely pick him off for being alone." Hanzo said. "He can defend himself, but we have to get to aizawa he's not good at fighting against groups in open areas. Brother, go try to get all might." I said. Hanzo nodded and ran. "Wait Brother?" ochako asked. "I'll explain later we need to help sensei." I said and we then ran to the courtyard.

Bakugou's POV

I woke up, my head was pounding. I stood up and looked at my surroundings. I then saw a blonde fair skinned girl with a tan uniform. I also saw a... magician? With a strange mask. I locked eyes with them. The girl charged at me. I easily blocked her attempts at stabbing me. The magician then ran towards me. He tried to grab me but I threw a rock. He caught it and turned it into a cyan marble. I knew I couldn't win, all I could do was run and avoid. I then ran. They chased after me. The girl threw knife after knife. I dodged to the left and to the right. I then tripped and injured my ankle. They then started to stalk towards me. "Looks like burn boy can't run anymore. I do wonder what caused your burns. Why don't you use your quirk to fend us off." the girl said. 'I don't want to but what choice do I have?' I thought to myself. I then stood up and mini explosives came from my hands. I then shot a not too serious explosion; it only knocked the girl out. The magician ran away. I then limped as fast as I could. I then saw the man with several hands grasping onto his body reaching for ochako. But when he grabbed ochako, sensei canceled his quirk and Izuku threw him. I then sighed. I raised both of my hands at the villain. "One fourth force Tsar Bomba." I said and a more concentrated but less powerful beam of explosive plasma shot out. Sending the villain flying. I collapsed to the ground. The purple mist man teleported to the villain with the hands. They then left with the magician but they left the hulking Nomu. it charged at me. But something fast tackled it. I then watched as all might destroy the Nomu with ease. Before I blacked out

A week later

Izuku's POV

Aizawa said that we have until a month before the sports festival to move into our dorms since it would be safer to not be living far away from campus. I unpacked the few things I had. They had a competition for who's room is the best. I didn't compete in the competition so I laid in my bed. But I had a weird dream


I walked through a maze and bumped into someone. "I'm so sorr... what the?" I apologized but realized the person's feet were off the floor. I walked in front of the person and nearly threw up.

(warning this part may be too gruesome for a younger audience. Proceed with caution. You have been warned.)

Their face was a mess. Most of the skin on their face was missing, their left eye was hanging out of their eye socket, their jaw was unhinged. I packed up and slipped on something. I looked over to my right and saw a headless corpse in a sitting position, their chest and stomach was open. What I slipped on was their guts. I quickly ran away. I then saw someone with their stomach around their neck hanging them. I continued walking and saw a person with their flesh barely clinging onto their bones. The next person had no flesh, their organs were exposed, their eyes stared into nothing. I turned around and saw a pile of bodies at the top of the pile was a throne made of bodies. A man with a skull mask and several blades sat on the bloody throne, blood coated some of his armor and he wore a crown and he gave me a psychotic smile. He stood up and then disappeared. When he reappeared he grabbed me by my throat and pinned me against the wall. He slowly pulled up his mask, submitting a white glowing light. I then fell and landed on the floor. I looked up and saw a man wearing a helmet that was a black skull without a jaw and a black crown, black Greek armor, black boots, and a black cape. He was sitting on a black throne with skulls and bones. He stood up. A pickaxe and a sword sat criss-cross on his back. He walked toward me. His left hand grabbed onto his pickaxe handle. His right hand grabbed onto his sword handle. He took them both out. He walked closer and I was frozen in fear. He then raised his pickaxe and brought it down. I bolted up. My breath was in my throat when I muttered seven words. "The Chaos lord...and...The Blood King." I muttered before I blacked out.

yes there is a crossover between FCS 119's story.

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