Healing wounds

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Izuku's POV

It was dark. I couldn't see anything. I was scared, traumatized by the attack, and my mother's death. I felt lost. There was no one I could lean on for support. I felt like losing a map when I was nowhere. My mother used to be my map, my guidance, and my support beam. Not saying she was an object, but she was the navigation and companion of my life journey.

I tried to open my eyes. To my surprise, my eyes still worked. This meant I was still alive, for now. I saw people carrying me somewhere. I saw flashes of red and blue light, along with sirens. It was now daytime. The sunlight was almost blinding to me. I closed my eyes. I heard that I was being carried in a car with people around me, I realized it was an ambulance. My eyes were a bit haywire, so I only saw flashes of myself moving down a white hallway. Next, I saw myself lying down on a bed with surgeons surrounding me. I felt my eyes heavy again, so I closed them to rest.

I never expected myself to survive so many injuries. But yet I survived. I started to wake up and noticed something odd. I can feel my right arm again. I was pretty sure it was sliced off that night. I squinted my eyes and tried to look around. I was in a hospital bed. I pulled up my arm to check it. It was a mechanical arm. I tried to get up and when I did, I noticed that most of my body is mechanical (like Genji's Blackwatch skin but with green colors instead of red). I didn't freak out, thanks to my strong mind. I then proceeded to press a red button on the life support machine. After 20 seconds, a doctor came in and when he saw me sitting up, he ordered me to lie back down. I did as he said and asked the doctor: "Doctor, what happened?" The doctor looked at me and frowned slightly. "You had serious injuries. We were surprised you were still alive after losing an arm, legs, and being crushed by the ceiling. But because of those injuries along with some infections, we almost lost you a few times. You already know that you lost your arm. Your left torso was hit in a vital spot, and a cut severely injured your lower spinal cord, losing you your legs. Some bones were fractured due to the collapsed ceiling, and infections spread across your entire body. We had to replace your lost limbs and organs with mechanical ones. Thanks to healing Quirks, specialist surgeons, and high support tech, we were able to make these mechanical parts you are looking at right now. It will enhance your abilities, but you will need physical therapy to get used to controlling it." he explained. Throughout all that, I was calm. I knew that a second chance at life will have some downsides, so I accepted what fate had given me. Hearing that it improves my physical abilities, I am now more determined than ever.

The doctor gave me a small smile, checked on me then left the room, leaving me all alone. About five minutes later, a man in a tan overcoat and matching hat, underneath which he wears a white suit, a black-tie at his neck with matching slacks and dress shoes. The man looked somewhat like inspector gadget. He came up to me and sat down on a chair next to the hospital bed. He took out a notebook and pen. "Hello there, my name is detective Naomasa Tsukauchi from the Police Force. I'm going to ask you some questions. Are you ok with that?" he explained. I nodded "Well then, let us start. What's your name, age, and what were you doing at the Shimada Clan village?" Naomasa asked "My name is Izuku Shimada, 10 y/o, I was living there with my parents. Father was a criminal, but I want to be a hero" I Explain. Knowing that I was telling the truth, Naomasa wrote down in his notebook and continued asking. This went on for 10 minutes. The whole time I was calm, but inside, I was still mourning my mother's death. Naomasa apologized for the inconvenience and my loss. He then left. I then stopped thinking about my mother's death, knowing that she wouldn't want me to mourn but to work harder. I remembered her words, her face flashing before me: "Be the hero you desire, protect everyone, and no matter what situation you find yourself in, remember, I will always be with you." Her smile was heartwarming. I missed it, but I moved on. I promised myself that I WILL become a hero.

The weeks after that, I had physical therapy. It was hard at first, but over time, I got the hang of my new body. I was discharged from the hospital a month later. When I got out of the hospital, I saw the hospital's name: Musutafu Hospital. My mother took me here a few times so I knew my way around the city. I then realized a problem. I had nowhere to live. So I chose to live in a public park since it's peaceful and good for meditation. I planned to work somewhere to get some cash to buy food and water. I will go to the woods to train my ninjutsu and I found out there was a dump at Dagoba Municipal Beach Park to train my sheer strength.

There wasn't a funeral for my mother. Mainly because there weren't any relatives alive left to make a funeral, but I knew that she wouldn't want a funeral anyways. I still visited her grave. It was raining, and there was someone there with me. The woman apologized for my loss and told me that there were only a few things left unscratched. She took out my Dragonblade and a wakizashi. "It had your name on it, and I figured you would come here, so I came to give these to you." She explained. I took them "Thank you. It means a lot to me" I said as I bowed. The woman then bowed back. The woman left and I was now standing alone in the rain. "Thank you, mother. Now you can rest well." I said. For the next hour, I settled in on my plan. I found Dagoba beach and found a strangely clean metal mask on the sand. I picked it up and inspected it. I figured it would be useful for the future so I brushed the sand off and wore it on. It fit perfectly.

The next day, I was ready to go. Both swords strapped on, mask on, and somehow the people that made the cybernetic body knew I was sort of a ninja, so my right arm can produce and deploy shurikens. I checked the newspapers and found a bodyguard job that I could do. It stated that they don't have a lot of money, but they'll treat me like a family member. I had no problems with that. Besides, I need a family. I need some form of support. I tried to find a place to sign up for the job. When I finally found it, I wasn't surprised that it was a normal residential house. They weren't lying about not having lots of money. But I didn't mind. I came to the door and knocked on it. A voice came from inside "Coming!" and a moment later, the door opened. Out came a girl around my age, a short girl of slender yet feminine build. She is fair-skinned with a perpetual blush on her cheeks. Her eyes are large and round, their irises a warm brown, with rather thick upper eyelashes, two longer and more prominent ones protruding outwards on either side and fewer but more individually pronounced lower eyelashes. Shoulder-length and about the same color as her eyes, her hair is bobbed and curved inwards at the ends, two longer clumps taking the same shape on either side of her face, and short bangs that reach roughly a quarter of the way down her forehead. To me, she looked cute, but I hid this well. She had a bit of fear on her face when she saw me and slammed the door closed. I heard screaming inside and then running. The door then swung open and out came two adults, weapons at ready. "Who are you and what are you doing at our house?! You got some business with our daughter? Then you'll have to go through us first!" They yelled as their faces looked like they were going to murder me. I knew I could simply punch them and knock them out but I didn't want to. I bowed and said calmly: "I'm sorry that I scared your daughter and disrupted your family. But all I came here for is the job you offered in the newspaper." I explained The two adults were relieved by this. "Oh... well it's settled then!" The lady said. "I still don't trust him" The man said to the woman. "Well, we will get to know him better after we talk. Come in! Do you want some tea?" She asked. I bowed and went into the house. I never knew that this was the start of a new relationship.

word count is 1575.

Izuku shimada the cyborg ninja (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now