The uraraka family

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Izuku's POV

The family came back into the house and I followed them in. I put my weapons down on the shoe cupboard next to the door and went down the hallway. I was shown to the living room. It was a simple room. A mattress, a table, a small television, a stack of newspapers, and a cheap tea set. I sat down next to the table with the father sitting down opposite of me. I took off my mask and set it beside me. The father was shocked to see a scar across my left eye but he regained his composure while the mother went to make some tea. The father just sat there, looking menacing while the daughter just sat awkwardly.

The mother came onto the room with some hot tea. She put the tea down on the table and offered me some tea. I gratefully accepted it and took the cup. I blew into it a bit to cool it down, then took a small sip from the cup. I put the cup down and introduced myself. "My name is Izuku Shimada. My father is Hisashi Shimada, better known as the leader of the Shimada Clan." Then the family introduced themselves. For some reason, the parents didn't say their first names which was odd but okay with me. But the daughter said that her full name is Ochako Uraraka. They wanted him to tell them my history, as the Shimada Clan was one of the biggest drug clans in Japan. "I was trained in ninjutsu and meditate daily. Me, my mentor, and my mother took no part in the illegal business" I said, "So what happened to you?" Mrs. Uraraka asked "I..." I didn't know how to answer. "Wait, you didn't see the news last night?" I asked, knowing that the news gets almost everything on screen. "No, we didn't. We had some business so we weren't home" Mr. Uraraka said. I looked at the clock. It was oddly at the perfect time I wanted. I picked up the TV controller on the table. "May I?" I asked. "Sure thing." Mrs. Uraraka said. I turned on the TV and changed to the news channel. The news intro started and showed a news reporter sitting behind a desk with sheets of paper.

"Welcome to Musutafu Afternoon News! Breaking news just came in today! The infamous Shimada Clan was ambushed and raided by a rival clan called the Michio Clan! Our live reporter at the scene yesterday gave us a brief explanation of what happened, but now we have more information on the incident. The whole village was wiped out, and both Hisashi and Inko Shimada were found dead. People would have thought that no one was alive, if not for the fact that the rescue team found a boy alive! However, he was badly injured. He lost his right torso and arm along with his legs. He was also known to have some bone fractures due to the collapsed ceiling. And a cut over his left eye." The report explained. The screen showed me in a desperate state in an ambulance with an oxygen mask on my face, blood leaking everywhere. I was pale and looked like I was already dead. The family also paled at this, with Mrs. Uraraka covered her mouth with her hands. The reporter continued: "Some people identified him as Izuku Shimada, 10 years old, and now the only survivor of the attack. He was on the verge of death but our best doctors saved him using cybernetic parts."

I turned off the TV. The family looked back at me, who was now looking down at my laps. "I was sleeping, then it happened" I explained with a tint of fear in my voice. "The killing, the explosions, the screams... they were everywhere. I saved my mother and we started moving towards a secret passageway to escape. I killed a group of the enemy who were blocking a corridor. When we got to the main room, our clan's men were holding back the main door. When my mother opened the secret door, the men gave out and the main door swung open. Right when that happened, my mother pushed me into the passageway and closed the door before the flood of enemy men reached us. The door was secure enough to hold them back, but I heard my mother die painfully." I explained as my eyes were tearing by now. "I held it together and walked down the passageway, but when I got to the end, I encountered an enemy clan member. He almost killed me, but I instead killed him before anything else happened. Then I just lied there. An explosion made the ceiling collapse on me. I thought I was dead, but the rest was on the news you just saw." I explained in between sobs. The family was shocked. They never knew how much pain I've been through. But I calmed them down by saying that meditation helped train my mind, so it won't bother me much. Mrs. Uraraka looked lost in her thoughts for a while, then she looked up and said: "You're in for the job" with a soft smile.

The family immediately accepted me into the family. I was offered tea, cookies, snacks, and even MORE tea. I excused myself because they were starting to swarm me a bit too much. I picked up my mask and wore it on. I stood up and walked to the door. I strapped on my weapons and opened the door. I went out and turned back to look at the family. They stood there smiling, even Mr. Uraraka did. They waved me goodbye. I bowed towards them and said a soft "Thank you" before putting my index finger and middle finger towards my mask. Black smoke appeared and swirled around me, completely consuming me in the smoke. When the small tornado of black smoke cleared, I was nowhere to be seen. The family was impressed by my skills.

3rd person's POV

They went back into the house and got back to their normal lives. Until nighttime, they heard a knock on their door. Mrs. Uraraka and Ochako were playing in the living room, so Mr. Uraraka came to the door and opened it to a boy around 16 years of age. He was wearing a pizza uniform. "Here's your cheesy pepperoni pizza. That'll be 2000 yen." The boy said. "I think you've got the wrong address. We didn't order any pizza." Mr. Uraraka explained. The boy just smirked. "I'm sure I got the right one." The pizza boy said, the pizza box suddenly flashed with light. Mr. Uraraka was temporarily blinded. The boy then took some grenades from his pocket and threw them in the house. He took out a gas mask and wore it on. The grenades burst out wite smoke, covering the whole house. The whole family fell asleep and the boy walked in. He made a beeline towards a snoring Ochako. He crouched down and said: "Sleep tight little one. You might be worth something in the black market." He picked up Ochako and carried her to his car. He made sure that no one was around when he brought her out. He put her in the back seat of the car. He went to the front seat, turned on the engines, and then left the scene. The only things left at the scene of the crime were the sleeping parents. The smoke had already dispersed, so at least Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka are in stable health.

As the kidnapper drove his way down the dark road, he saw a silhouette of a little boy in the darkness. Suddenly, the boy seemed to light up with bright green neon lights around his body. The car's headlights finally showed who it was. Izuku. Not like the kidnapper knows Izuku, but it was him. He got three shurikens from his arms and swiftly threw them at the car. They hit one of the front wheels, just what Izuku wanted. The tires exploded and the car screeched. It drifted back and forth until the car drifted to one side and looked like it was about to flip over. It was a donut and Izuku grabbed onto the top of the car. Izuku elbowed the glass and it broke. Time seemed to slow down. Izuku was now mid-air inside the car, glass shards flying everywhere. The kidnapper's face was full of fear, still trying to control the car. Izuku grabbed the sleeping Ochako whilst mid-air by the waist and turned his back towards the car door, protecting Ochako as they flew out of the car and bringing the door with them. Izuku held Ochako tightly as they fell on the broken car door. The door slid for about a meter then skidded to a stop. In the background, the car flipped and rolled down the road with the kidnapper still inside. The car continued to roll until it stopped. The car was upright, but it was wrecked and on fire. The kidnapper was inside, blood dripping down his head. He turned to see Izuku putting Ochako down on the road to let her rest. She was starting to wake up, but her mind was still fuzzy. Izuku looked over at the car. The kidnapper and Izuku just stared at each other. The kidnapper then scowled: "Stupid brat. You'll pay for this. You haven't seen the last of me yet! I'm gonna kill you for I am the almighty toko-" He never got to finish his villain monologue because the car exploded. The explosion was huge, being able to wake up everyone within a 20km (~12 mile) radius. Luckily, they weren't near an urban region, so no one was hurt.

Someone felt the explosion and called the police. At first, they misunderstood Izuku as a criminal, but after some explaining, they calmed down. The police got some ambulances to get the whole Uraraka family to the hospital. Izuku met Tsukauchi again and he had to be interviewed by Tsukauchi. After that, Izuku was let off. He decided to go to the hospital to meet up with the family.

When he got there, he asked the receptionist where the family was put. The receptionist was suspicious of him, but he explained to her and she finally told Izuku where they were. He got there and he saw Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka lying on their bed. They were relieved when they saw him. They thanked him for saving their daughter and hugged him from their bed. He saw Ochako sleeping on her bed at the back of the room. Mrs. Uraraka said she was tired and was still weak from the smoke due to her being a 10 y/o girl. Izuku understood and left her to rest. He went out of the hospital and took some deep breaths. This incident was the first step to becoming a hero.

word count 1828.

Izuku shimada the cyborg ninja (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now