All for one

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"What do you mean?" Izuku was confused. Yagi looked around. When he was sure there wasn't anyone else listening to the conversation, he looked back at Izuku. "I'm going to tell you about my secret past" Yagi then told Izuku about his past. "The press always tried to guess my Quirk, saying it was "Super Strength" or some type of "Enhancer". They always ask about it during my interviews, but I always avoid it by making jokes" Yagi then stayed quiet for a while, trying to make it more dramatic to hear the next part "I wasn't born with this power. It was passed on to me like a sacred torch!" Yagi spread his arms wide "Passed on to you?" Izuku was shocked to hear this from Yagi, better known as All Might "Yes, it was" Yagi then explained how it worked and how it's more like a stockpiling Quirk than a Strength Quirk "It gets passed on from person to person. And you, young Shimada, will be next to inherit this power!" Izuku took a long while to digest the information. He always wanted to be the best hero there is, and this was an opportunity that he could not let go to waste "So, what do you say? I'm not forcing you into this, but if you do, then you will have the biggest responsibility ever, become the next Symbol of Peace" Yagi said. Izuku was a bit lost in his thoughts, taking his precious time thinking about being the Symbol of Peace... "Yes, All Might. I will inherit your power" All Might turned into his buff form and said proudly: "I knew you would say that!" and laughed until he deflated again, spitting out blood. Izuku sweatdropped. But all things aside, Izuku knows that this is where he truly begins to make his way towards becoming a hero. He just didn't think that it would be so hard...

Timeskip ~ 2 days later

Izuku was seen at the beach where he intended to go for strength training. Unfortunately, he was too stuck up in school to train much and could only meditate and train in the woods due to homework. As I was saying, Izuku was seen at Dagoba beach talking to All Might "So what are we doing here, All Might?" They were standing before an average-sized fridge "This beach used to be beautiful. But due to a current, trash thrown into the sea is washed up here. They piled up and people used this as an excuse to illegally throw their trash here" All Might explained, "I see... but that doesn't explain why we're here?" Izuku still didn't know the purpose of them being here "Well, I came across here a couple of times and may or may not see you struggle to bring the trash out of the beach"


Yagi was wearing a white T-shirt and brown shorts. He was walking down the parallel to the beach full of trash. He had groceries hanging from his left hand and was humming to himself while walking. He then turned to look at the beach (mainly the trash) and saw a boy in the distance. The boy had dark green hair with some sort of gray and green neon armor. He was pushing a truck tire. Or at least, he was trying to. (Insert Izuku grunting/screaming sounds). Yagi sighed to himself and continued to walk down the pavement "Man, don't know who that kid is, but he better get on a training schedule if he can't even move a tire"

~end of Flashback~

"... So... Yeah" Yagi finished the flashback. Izuku sighed and dug his face into his hands, embarrassed that Japan's number 1 hero saw him on his weak side "So you want to train me?" Izuku looked up to Yagi. Yagi buffed up into his All Might persona "Why of course, Young Shimada! Look at you! You're too skinny for my power" All Might said while taking pictures of Izuku. Izuku just stood there, feeling quite... offended that his idol of a hero mocked his body "Sorry about that, but it's true. Like I said before, One for All is like a stockpile Quirk. When you receive it, that makes you the ninth user. Which also means that there's the power of 8 past users all in one Quirk. It'll take a suitable body for the Quirk to work normally, or else your limbs will shoot off!" Izuku shivered at the thought of all his limbs flying off. He lost an arm and legs already, of course, he doesn't want that to happen again "But not to worry! You want to go to UA, right? Then I've made the perfect training schedule for you to train in 10 months!" All Might showed a paper with things to do "This is the Aim to Pass! American Dream Plan!" Izuku took the paper and read it through "How did you know how I live and... were you watching me sleep???" "The number 1 hero never reveals his secrets... except for my Quirk to you, that is" Izuku was just dumbfounded. What a stalker... By the end of the day, Izuku knew that the last goal he needed to achieve was to clean up the beach. And the oh so innocent Izuku did not know what All Might had in store for him.

~cue the training montage~

~After the 10 month training montage~

It was 6 in the morning, Yagi came to Dagobah Municipal Beach to check on Izuku. He was on the same segway he used throughout the past year. When he arrived, he got off the segway and walked up to the stairs leading down to the sand. But before he even got there, he saw Izuku sitting with legs crossed on top of a hill of garbage. He was meditating on top of the hill. Saying out loud that he was meditating on a pile of trash was... not that pleasant. But to Yagi, it was the best and somehow coolest way to end the training. There on the beach, not a speck of dust was seen on the sand 'Wow, he even cleaned where I didn't tell him to clean' Yagi was amazed "Oh my... oh my... OH MY GOODNESS" He said, buffing up while saying the last part. Izuku was calmly meditating, but it seems that the trash didn't like the fact that he was sitting on them, because right after All Might said what was said above, a big piece of trash fell off, causing the whole pile to shake. Izuku freaked out that he was somewhat 30 feet off the ground in a mini earthquake. He lost his balance and fell off the hill. The hill itself somehow stopped shaking with the fallen piece of trash not harming anyone and precisely landed on the bottom of the pile. Fortunately, All Might was quick enough to catch Izuku. The skin part of his body was buffed and sweating. Throughout 10 months, Izuku had to replace his cybernetics 10 times, once each month, each time getting bigger and better. Izuku was now breathing heavily after the fall. All Might noticed this and assumed that Izuku knew All Might was coming so he tried slowing his breathing. It seems that it didn't work as well as Izuku wanted. But All Might pushed it aside. It was done, the training was done. Izuku was ready "Young Shimada, you have been training for 10 months straight. Heck, you even had your stomach actually full for the first time in years. And now, you have done it. Look at this" All Might showed on his phone the image of Izuku 10 months ago, all skinny and short " This was you 10 months ago. But now, you are ready" Izuku has been waiting for this moment for 10 months, to be exact. Now, he has achieved his goal, even though this will lead to even more goals. All Might took off a strand of his hair. " Now, young Shimada, it is time you receive my power." All Might held the hair in front of Izuku's face. The time has come... "Eat this!"

"Nani?" "In order to inherit my power, you must consume some of my DNA! That's how it works!" All might said scratching the back of his head "This isn't really how I imagined it..." "Come on! The exam's coming. There's no time! Eat! Eat! Eat!!!!!!!!" Izuku was screaming in horror.

word count is 1414

Izuku shimada the cyborg ninja (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now