The fall of the shimada

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Izuku's POV

I opened his eyes. I was surprised to see that I wasn't at home. I was on a light green grass field. It was vast, so vast that in all directions I looked was just grass high up to my knees. The grass gave out a fresh scent and was flowing along with the wind. The cool breeze ran across my face, giving me a sense of calmness. I looked around and saw a small hill with a cherry blossom tree on top, pedals slowly fluttering down to the ground or getting carried away by the wind.

There was a buff figure on top of the hill standing tall with his arms at his waist. I walked closer to him and almost immediately recognized the man. It was All Might. I gasped in joy. 'OMG, OMG, It's him! It's really him!' I thought excitedly. As calm as I look from other's perspective, deep inside I am a huge hero fanboy. I especially adore All Might, as the Symbol of Peace is the best example of what it means to be a hero. I kept this part of him a secret from everyone apart from my mother, since she is the best mother I could have in my current family situation. I don't want to even imagine what my father would do to me if he finds out about my fanboyish self. I finally got next to All Might, and knowing how this somehow isn't real, I asked: "All Might, is it possible for me to be a hero, even when my father wants me to be bad?"All Might turned around, showing his big confident smile, softly said: "Anyone can be a hero if they believe in themselves. You are one of them. You... can become a hero. And if you can, smile. Smile while protecting others. Showing them that you are here to protect them. Now go on young Shimada, be the hero in everyone's eyes" I was about to thank him when the ground started shaking. "What? What's happening?!" I exclaimed. "The world is a harsh place, and it's changing now and then. It's time to pick a side" All Might calmly said as he faded away. The cherry blossoms along with the vast field of grass burst into flames. Screams echoed through the darkened sky. I looked around in terror as explosions erupted and the ground shook harder than before. The ground then started to crack beneath him, breaking apart. Suddenly, the ground sort of tore open, dropping me down. I screamed as he fell into a dark void. The world above vanished. I was still falling when flashes of light appeared around me. I saw memories of the past, memories with my mother, with my mentor, with my father, and memories with my brother. Then, it all disappeared. I got sleepy and started closing my eyes. I closed them and started hearing crashing sounds. I quickly opened my eyes to see I was lying on my bed. I heard screams outside along with the clanging of swords and a variety of Quirk sounds. I got up quickly and rushed to the door. Right after I opened it, a flaming plank of wood fell in front of me. I covered my face from the heat and smoke. I looked around and saw men from the Shimada Clan fighting with men in black suits. I didn't know them, nor did I want to. I jumped over the burning plank and ran towards the main lobby. As I ran, I saw the whole village on fire. Bodies of dead men and women scattered across the floor and dirt. Faint screaming can be heard everywhere. I then saw my mother running from one of the masked men in black suits. I quickly grabbed a fallen katana and a wakizashi from a dead body and rushed towards them. When I got close, I swiftly struck the man (like Genji's swift strike ability). I just crouched there, the man stood still and Inko stopped running to look back. The man then slumped down on the floor with blood pooling around him. I rushed to my mother and hugged her. "I am here, mother." I said. After a while, me and my mother let go. "We have to get out of here. The Michio Clan is attacking the village. There's a secret passageway that leads outside the village at the end of the main room. Can you protect us enough to get there?" she asked, "I can, mother." I said, nodding with confidence.

I picked up two sayas, put the katana and the wakizashi in them, and strapped them to my back. We started running down the corridors and encountered a small group of intruders. I picked up some shurikens and threw them with accurate precision towards the men. The shurikens killed three of them and while they were still shocked about what happened, I closed in on them and delivered a few slices, killing more men. Some archers shot arrows at me but I used the wakizashi to deflect the arrows, killing the archers. The last man tried to slice me but I dodged and using the momentum of the man moving forward, I did a spin and impaled the man through the back. The man fell lifelessly and I put my katana back in the saya. Me and my mother arrived in the main room. The big door was being held back by our men. As I was going to the secret door of the secret passageway that leads out to a secret place, The men held back the door, ran out of stamina and fell over. The gate swung open and the room started to flood with men from the Michio Clan.

I was about to fight them, but suddenly, I felt myself being pushed hard. I fell on a concrete surface and got up to see what happened. I saw my mother standing there at the secret door, crying. But before I could react, she closed the secret door. It was a high-tech door so when it closed, it immediately locked. I was stunned. I heard her scream in pain. After that, I couldn't hear her anymore. The only sounds were the sound of footsteps and banging on the secret door. Losing my mother was traumatizing for me.

But thanks to meditation training, I quickly calmed down. I know that she wouldn't want me to just sit and mourn about her death. So I ran down the passageway. The passageway was dark and narrow, the only light source was from candles on the sides of the passageway. Reaching the end, I saw a rusty door. Before I could open it, the door burst open, and came a man with a katana from the Michio Clan. The man had quick reflexes and fast movements so he stabbed me on the right side of his torso. I coughed in pain as the man pulled out his katana. I grabbed my katana and tried to strike the man. The man dodged without effort and chopped off my right arm. I screamed in agony as he looked at his non-existent arm. Right after that, the man sliced me on the lower back. I suddenly felt my legs tremble. The man then slashed my left eye. He felt like his job was done, so he turned around to walk away. I, on the other hand, felt the adrenaline kicking in. With all the strength I had left, I grabbed the katana with my left hand and jumped towards the man. The man didn't have time to react, and I stroked the man full force straight into his chest. The man fell down, dead. I also fell down, feeling the adrenaline wear off. My eyes got heavy from blood loss and I couldn't feel my legs. An explosion erupted from above the passageway and the ceiling collapsed, falling down on me. Everything turned dark for me. I thought he was dead, but fortunately, fate gave me another chance.

is this very unoriginal yes. do I care nope. why it's because I'm a walking, talking, cringey, autistic meme that's why. also word count is 1364

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