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Izuku's POV

The family stayed at the hospital for a few days for checkups and for Ochako to recover. Aside from some nausea from the smoke, they were fine. They were discharged from the hospital after that and to the family's relief, the hospital fees weren't too high. They went home and got cleaned up. I was sitting on a rooftop looking down at the house. I started to recall what happened that day: I had always been watching the family from afar. But that night I was sleeping due to watching the family for 10 hours straight without resting. When I got up, I saw the kidnapper's car start moving. I could only run as fast as the car, not faster. So instead of chasing it, I analyzed the situation and made a very accurate choice. I decided to take a shortcut by running on rooftops. After a while, I saw the car coming towards me. My predictions were correct. I jumped down to the road and braced myself for what comes next.

I then recalled myself grabbing Ochako and facing his back to the door. I admit that it looked cool but I realized a small detail: From when I grabbed Ochako by the waist to when I put her down, I was hugging her. The words repeated in his head: "I hugged a girl, I hugged a girl, I hugged a girl." My face turned bloody red. I looked at the sky. The sky was bright with stars. The moon was full and bright with my silhouette in the middle. All I said to myself was: 'Well s*** I hugged a girl, most likely my mom is fangirling in heaven as she is watching me.' (aren't we all.)

Time flew by and my job has been the same for 4 years. I had to go to the hospital every year to change and improve my cybernetic parts as I was growing and I needed larger parts every year. I eventually had to go to the same school as Ochako to both study and protect her, as Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka pretended to be my parents. I was the smartest and most skillful student at school. Because of my brains, skills, and kindness, I earned a lot of respect from both teachers and students of the whole school. Even though that made me some friends, it also made me some jealous bullies. I didn't care as I took care of that with ease. There were a few incidents over the 4 years that I had to intervene. I saved Ochako from a few more kidnappers, some potential rapists, and a few burglars. I got a lot of praise from Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka along with cookies, other snacks, breakfast and dinner, and a LOT of tea. (like JESUS CHRIST WHERE DID YOU GET ALL THIS TEA A LOT). I had known the family enough to know that they weren't rich, so where the hell are they getting all this tea? I didn't question it much though. I continued doing my job normally, until one day.

"You are now in your third year so you are going to need to think about your future. Now I'm going to hand out some sheets for you to write down what you're intending to do after this" The teacher handed out sheets to everyone in the class. The class was silent and the only sounds that could be heard were scribbling and my mumbling. I have had this habit for as long as I can remember, my big brother hanzo saying "You should be more serious about this. Your muttering was distracting and you better not ruin anyone's chances at succeeding now." but it helps me analyze my thoughts better. The only downside? It can be heard by a lot of people. But as years passed, the school became familiar with my mumbling and didn't mind as much. I just got new parts so I got compliments from my classmates and teachers. I knew Ochako would try her best to become a hero and try out UA High. She was a big girl now, she could protect herself using the tricks I had taught her. I thought for a bit. I did do heroic things over the past 4 years, but did that mean I could protect everyone? I protected Ochako, so why not protect others? Protecting everyone including loved ones is the kind of hero I aim to be. Only then will my promise be fulfilled. I started to write down on my sheet. I have decided: I will go to UA High.

At the end of the day, I made my way to the park while keeping a tracker on Ochako. (freaky and kind stalker-ish yes but he takes his job seriously.) When I got there, I sat down at my favorite hill and started meditating. After meditating for around 30 minutes, I heard an explosion. I opened my eyes and saw smoke coming from a building a few blocks away from the park I was at. My instincts kicked in. I stood up and ran towards the nearest building. I climbed it to the top and started dashing towards the scene. When I got there, I saw two office buildings on fire. In the middle, there was a sludge monster with someone in it. The boy looked my age, blonde spiky hair, black school uniform, a raging face, and explosions coming from his hands. The boy was in distress and he looked like he was going to pass out at any moment. I then saw a crowd at the end of the alleyway with pro heroes also at the scene. There were Death Arms, Kamui Woods, and Backdraft. Backdraft was trying to put out the fire while keeping the crowd away from danger. Kamui Woods was saving people from inside the burning buildings, though because he was made of wood, he couldn't go any deeper into the fire. Death Arms tried to punch the sludge villain but to no avail as his fist sunk into the villain. Death Arms jumped back to dodge a tendril of sludge, cursing and telling the other heroes that he couldn't do anything and that the poor kid had to wait for a more suitable hero for the situation. I then decided to take the situation into my own hands. I jumped down from the roof and landed right in front of the sludge monster. The pro heroes looked in fear and Death Arms screamed at me "Get out of here, kid! You're gonna get yourself killed!" I chose not to listen and dug my hand into the sludge villain. The villain was surprised but didn't have time to react as I pulled out the blonde. I jabbed the villain in the eye and the villain screamed in pain. I then moved so fast, everyone, even the sludge villain couldn't see me. I stopped right in front of the crowd and put the blonde down on the pavement. I told the heroes to check on him and do first aid while I will buy some time for more heroes to come. I created three shurikens and threw them at the sludge villain. The villain didn't need to dodge for the shurikens to miss him "HA! Your aim is pathetic. I'm gonna kill you for stealing my camouflage!" He was about to charge at me when I said: "I was never aiming at you." The villain turned back slowly to see a chain reaction of debris crumbling over him. Then a huge pile of debris fell on the sludge villain. SPLAT. The villain was now flat on the floor with piles of debris over him. I aimed at some metal poles. The poles were holding up some overhead debris. The shurikens couldn't pierce the metal poles, but it made the pole bend enough for the weight of the debris to do the rest of the work. The sludge villain started to form himself back. After a while, the sludge villain roared out and made the pile of debris fly everywhere. It wasn't big, so I easily blocked it from hitting the crowd behind me. When the villain saw me, he growled and his eyes lit with rage "YOU!" I braced himself. The villain shot a few tendrils towards me. I could have dodged them, but I didn't want the tendrils to hit the citizens. I prepared myself for the impact. But it never came. I saw a flash of white and then saw All Might standing before me, tendrils all over his muscular body. Deep inside me, I was going berserk that All Might is right in front of me, but I focused on the current situation, as now isn't the time to be a fanboy. I heard All Might said: "I truly am pathetic". All Might then pulled back his fist. He punched forward while yelling: "Detroit... SMASH!!!!" (why do anime characters call out the name of their attack. Their enemy will then have an idea of what the anime character is going to do and be able to dodge or simply counter it.) The punch made so much wind pressure that it made a small tornado, ripping the sludge villain apart. When the tornado dispersed, clouds above were spinning like a whirlwind. It started to rain, and the crowd was discussing with each other how All Might changed the weather. The fire was taken out and things calmed down. I was chewed out a bit for my reckless actions, but otherwise, I got a lot of compliments for my quick thinking. The other kid got a lot of compliments on his bravery and his amazing Quirk. After getting compliments and a few checkups, I headed home, which is still the park. On my way there, I heard someone running up to me. I turned around to see the blonde from the incident. When the blonde caught up to me, he said:" Who the f*** do you think you are, get in my way, huh?" To which I replied: "I'm Izuku Shimada, and you are?" "Bakugou. Katsuki Bakugou. Now listen here you little s*** you didn't do anything today, you hear me?! I didn't need any help. What's your Quirk, Broccoli?" I looked a bit down but still answered: "I'm Quirkless" Bakugou was shocked by this, but he got angrier each second. "I got saved by a f***ing Quirkless?!" Bakugou then tried to attack me, but I just dodged aside. Bakugou tried again but failed. This went on for a while until Bakugou finally stopped. He was really tired, but I looked like I could do this for another hour. "Well, you haven't seen the best of me yet, Quirkless! I'll become the number 1 hero (more like number 1 villain not that I'm foreshadowing or anything.) and surpass All Might! Then we'll see how you do!" Bakugou turned around and stormed off. "And I don't owe you anything!" He yelled. I just sweatdropped at the interaction. I then turned around to keep going but was stopped by the appearance of All Might. "I AM HERE!!!"

This made me jump "A-A-All Might?! OMG, OMG it's you! Right in front of me! I know we already met today but we never talked, but now you're here and talking to me!" I then quieted down "Are you real or a dream?" All Might look confused "Of course I'm real. What do you mean?" "Oh, nothing" I remembered the dream he had "Wait, how did you escape the reporters? I saw they were swarming you" All Might laughed "I stand for justice. Not sound bytes! For me, I am All Mig-" All Might deflated and was vomiting blood. I was so shocked. After some explaining, I finally calmed down. "So who did this to you if it's not Toxic Chainsaw?" I asked. All Might hesitated, then spoke: "I... don't want to talk about it." "Oh." I said. They stayed quiet for about a minute. Then I spoke up: "So what brings you here, All Might?" "My real name is Toshinori Yagi, and I came here to talk to you." I perked up "What do you mean?" Yagi replied: "I want to thank you. Thank you for saving that kid. I heard from your conversation with young Bakugou that you were Quirkless. If you didn't act on despite your Quirk disadvantage, I would have been just a worthless bystander, and young Bakugou could have died." I felt warmth in my heart "You're welcome, Yagi." and he bowed to Yagi. I was about to say goodbye when Yagi stopped me. "And I have a thing to ask you. Do you want to be a hero?" I looked at him and said. "Y̶̞̆̌e̵̡̗͐s̷̬͋." "Well then young...-" "Shimada. Izuku Shimada." I introduced myself. ''Young Shimada, you are worthy of inheriting my power" I looked dumbfounded "What?"

word count is 2152.

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