Chapter 23- Raiden and Her Insanity

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"YOU ARE ALL FOOLS FOR DESTROYING TO PEACE!!!" Raiden shouted. Zhongli rushed to the aid of the heroes and blocked her attack. "MORAX!"

"EI! YOU NEED TO STOP!" Zhongli shouted. They jumped away from each other.

"What are we supposed to do about her?! She's a god much like Divination!" Zelda shouted. Zhongli looked over and saw Raiden. She definitely looked more corrupt than ever. She didn't look normal...

"Raiden... What did Tsumugi do to you?" Zhongli asked. Raiden looked at him and grumbled. Divination was still terribly weak.

Hu Tao muttered, "If Tsumugi is able to hurt Divination... who knows what she's up to now..." Then she looked over at Divination, he was slowly getting up. Hu Tao rushed over to his aid.

"I'm okay... I promise you," Divination grunted. He looked over and saw Raiden and Zhongli fighting. He saw the spear in the building.

"NOOOO!!!!!" Divination roared. The ground shook and Hu Tao bounced back to her group. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!"

"He...has RUINED eternity here!" Raiden replied, infuriated. Zhongli looked over at her and shook his head.

Divination yelled, "WELL. If you want to handle it somewhere, handle it OUTSIDE THE CITY!!!!" The two looked at him, the heroes were startled. Every single day, Divination was getting more and more pissed off.

Lucina asked, "Divination? Maybe you should... take it easy, they are trying to do their best but it's hard!" Divination looked at Lucina. He became even more fumed.

"Maybe if YOU GUYS ACTUALLY LISTENED, none of this would HAPPEN!!!" Divination screamed. Everyone began to panic, they did not want to make Divination mad.

"You're all nothing but IMBECILES! UGH! I can't believe I rule a place like this!" Divination groaned.

Hu Tao muttered, "Sorry for making you not feel good about yourself..."

"UGHHHHH!!!!" Divination shouted. Then he rushed off.

Raiden mumbled, "This is your fault Morax."

"MY FAULT?!!" Zhongli asked. Raiden rolled her eyes and followed after Divination.

Ganyu asked, "W-What did we do?!"

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