Chapter 142- Domination

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"What is Divination up to now?" Lucina asked. They looked around the city. The place was in obvious ruins. But nothing seemed to be any different.

"AHAHAA!!" Divination laughed. The heroes took out their weapons. Divination came slowly walking by, his cape was slowly moving on the ground. Seemed like his style had changed.

"So... you're more insane than ever before?" Lucina asked. Divination looked at her, he seemed to be sweating for some reason.

Tessa asked, "Did insanity reach your mental status yet? Oh wait, it should've." Divination started to breathe heavily.

Lysithea asked, "Is that man okay?"

"Actually, the better question is, is he dying?" Susie questioned. Divination got onto the ground, he continued to sweat and breath heavily.

"D-Divination?" Tessa stammered. Divination couldn't respond.

Divination giggled, "So... much power... it's finally mine..." The heroes all stood around with each other. Divination continued to laugh crazily.

"HAHAHA!! HAHAA! HAHA! AHHHHH!!!" Divination screamed. The heroes all started to walk backward. Divination was slowly forgetting who he was. True insanity was corrupting him.

"How... worse can he get?" Lysithea asked. Divination looked at his hands and then back at the heroes.

"I'm afraid he has hit a state beyond insanity, lunacy... or even, hysterica..." Beth muttered. Divination took out his lance and dashed at the heroes.

"YOU MERE GREMLINS!! I SHOULD'VE GOTTEN RID OF YOU WHEN I HAD A CHANCE!!" Divination screamed. Then he pushed them backward. Divination kept breathing heavily and continued to sweat.

Lucina mocked, "You know, you wouldn't be sweaty right if you took off your damn coat." Divination stared at her.

"It's not because it's hot... it's because... I have undying power... it's the power of a god. THAT GOD BEING ME!!" Divination screamed. Then he disappeared from the scene.

Ganyu mumbled, "Why is he avoiding fighting so much? Is there something he's hiding away from us?"

"Perhaps... he probably wants full power in order to destroy us..." Lucina replied sorrowfully.

Marissa sighed, "Whatever ends up happening... we will fight with full force." The others nodded and continued to look around the city.

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