Chapter 123- The Fortunate Toll

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"We have to act now! Hurry up everyone!" Lucina ordered. They dashed through the city to avoid surveillance from Divination. But it appears they weren't lucky. Divination was there waiting for them.

"Welcome back, I missed you all!" Divination laughed. The heroes took out their weapons.

Divination sighed, "You are all such sweet children, I don't want to hurt you all. But alas..." Then he didn't take out his katana. Instead of a sword.

"What do you have in your hands?" Lucina asked furiously. Divination smirked at her.

Divination sighed, "The Divine sword. I wanted to do everything in my power in order to make sure you guys DIDN'T get the Divine Devastation sword but there's no turning back is there?"

"The Divine sword?" Lysithea questioned.

Divination said with a smirk, "It was the sword I originally wanted to use for you guys to find it. However since you all disobeyed me, this is the future we're in now."

"I..." Lucina whispered.

Divination mocked, "I know! You should've listened to me! Listening to me would've prevented EVERYTHING that leads up to today."

"But we made the right decision, it seems, that sword doesn't seem to be up to any good," Ganyu argued.

Divination sighed, "Oh you... poor... poor souls. The Divine Devastation sword is supposed to possess the user! With a special command of words..."

"WHAT?!" Lucina asked as she dropped the sword.

Divination groaned, "I don't need the piece of junk. It's all your fault that this all happened. Now I get to destroy you all with the weapon you were originally intended to find!"

"What do you mean that the Chaos sword possesses the person holding it?" Lucina asked as she carefully picked up the sword.

Divination groaned, "I would actually say the words, but I don't feel like it!" He looked at his watch.

"You guys better get going, I'll see you all very soon," Divination muttered. Then he disappeared.

Agent 8 asked, "SOON?! Is he going to come and kill us later with the Divine sword?!"

"We will have to find out... hurry!" Lucina shouted.

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