Chapter 133- Prince Verdant's Pleads

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"DIVINATION!!!" Someone screamed. Divination opened his eyes to see a person. They looked like a prince. They were gorgeous, bold gold color schemes with hints of black. There was also a gold dim crown, Divination can very clearly see their green eyes.

Divination asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm your husband..." The Prince replied. Divination stared at him. He didn't know how to react. "Do you even remember me, Divination? Be honest..."

"I do, I recognize you perfectly..." Divination muttered. "Prince Verdant... you're beautiful..."

"This isn't the time to flatter over my looks! Tell me Divination! What has gotten into you?!" Prince Verdant shouted.

Divination asked, "What? There's nothing wrong with me?!"

"THERE IS. You clearly. CLEARLY BEEN DOING HORRIBLE THINGS!! This isn't the Divination I once knew..." Prince Verdant whispered. Divination stared at him and then down at the ground.

"I LOVED YOU! But... you don't seem to care for the world. You want the world to yourself... selfish..." Prince Verdant cried. Tears were streaming down from his face. Divination felt like he also had to cry.

Divination responded pleading, "I do care! I don't understand where you got these ideas!"

"So tell me Divination..." The two stared at one another. Prince Verdant's cape flowed in the wind. Divination's... didn't. "TELL ME THE TRUTH!"

"I'll tell you anything... just say it," Divination replied. Prince Verdant cleared his tears and cleared his throat.

Prince Verdant asked, "Are you the reason I'm dead?" Divination stood there quietly. He didn't remember how Prince Verdant died. He didn't know how to reply to that question.

"I... I don't know," Divination whispered. Prince Verdant broke into tears. Divination stared at him. Not once did he ever see him like this. So distraught...

"I knew you don't love me, I knew you're so selfish. I KNEW YOU WERE A MONSTER! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!!" Prince Verdant cried. Divination turned around and bursted into tears. He felt like he was becoming more and more of a failure.

"QUIT CRYING! IF SOMEONE'S CRYING IT SHOULD BE ME! YOU'RE NOTHING!" Prince Verdant shouted. Then he disappeared.

Divination cried, "I... I didn't want this to happen. I didn't... It... doesn't have to end this way..." He collapsed onto the floor. The cold dark floor. "I'm sorry..."





"What do you want?!"

"I want to ask you one thing..."

"That is?"

"Destroy those heroes..." Prince Verdant replied with a smirk on his face. Divination smiled at him and shook his hand.

"Will do... I'll make you proud..." Divination laughed.

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