Chapter 89- Manipulation and His Face

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"Perhaps there is a solution to stop Divination from controlling everyone. Sadly, I cannot tell you..." Opal sighed as he sat on the throne.

Tessa said, "It's alright. We want to keep you alive for as long as possible! So we won't bother you with any questions!" Opal smiled at them and then suddenly the door slowly opened.

"OPAL!!!" Someone shouted.

"Hide," Opal whispered to the heroes. They got up and rushed behind the door. Opal got up and walked down the stairs. The door opened and it was Divination.

"Divination... my younger brother," Opal sighed. The two came in contact with each other. Opal looked around Divination.

Divination said, "I don't want you interacting with those heroes, alright. Those heroes are nothing to us."

"Divination please understand-"

"NO! You don't NEED to talk to them!"


"Just because you're older DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE WISER!" Opal stood there quietly. Divination smiled at him. "See, you never fail to listen to me. I'm your younger brother, why do you let me control you so much?"

Opal replied, "I'm not going to let you control me anymore longer."

"What?!" Divination asked. Opal grabbed Divination's hands and put them down. "LET GO OF ME!"

Opal ordered, "UNSILENCE ME NOW! Also, you promise to make sure those heroes don't get hurt again." Divination tried to break free from Opal's grip.

"BROTHER!" Divination shouted. Opal didn't flinch. He threw Divination onto the ground. Divination looked up, he was now frightened.

Opal asked, "Are you scared yet?"

"No of course not!" Divination yelled. Opal then stepped on his leg. "GODS!!" Divination was shaking.

Opal sighed, "I love you little brother. But you just have to stop."

"Please! I don't want to die!" Divination cried. Opal stared down at him. Opal didn't know how to think. Then he finally took a deep breath.

Opal replied, "Sorry..." He took his foot off Divination's leg. Divination looked up at him. The two smiled at each other.

"I'm sorry..." Divination muttered. He got up and hugged Opal. They hugged each other. Then...


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