Chapter 107- The Tales of Destruction

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Azura began, "I remember him saying something to Raiden. Something about the ultimate power and the true future. He wanted the people to be under his rule. Doing whatever he asks them to do, it's like a complete society of terror. Anyone he wishes to go against his ideas will be punished. Punished... as in, murdered."

"That's ridiculous! I don't understand what is going through this man's head, it's like he doesn't want us to exist!" Susie complained. Azura nodded.

She continued, "Divination really doesn't care what people believe. No matter what the case may be. There's one thing in mind. This was Divination's world, it was no longer the world Dawn, Midnight, Micheal, Erica, whatever built. Divination's world. That's all he wanted. That's all he ever asked for."

"Divination... the god we used to call a father. Is now this person who is so full of themselves," Lucina whispered. Azura nodded.

Azura sighed, "After he learned that I started to work with you heroes, he had nothing to do with me. He wanted to kill me and my friends. Guess what he ended up doing? Killing them..."

"Azura, I'm sorry we weren't able to stop him in time, Divination is just... crazy. If we stepped closer to him, he would come at us first, he's fast, unpredictable, and insane," Markus replied with sorrow.

Azura responded, "It happens to the best of us, Divination does everything in his power to make sure we're all killed. One way or another, he wants us all gone from this world. It was going to happen eventually, I just wish it wasn't today." The heroes all sat there in silence.

Tessa whispered, "I really am starting to wonder if Raiden is on board with this idea of a future from Divination. But since she's so dense and follows everything he says, I'm assuming that she is."

"But imagine if she wasn't, would this world be in the same state or would Divination's crimes be calmer than how they are now?" Marissa questioned. The heroes sat there in silence. Then they heard footsteps... very recognizable footsteps.

"It's Divination... and Raiden with him too," Azura whispered. The heroes got ready.

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