Volume 1: Beginnings CH3

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Sorry for the long release!!! I'm trying to find a good beta to proofread this fanfic and it's very hard to find one who's books and other beta'd works could help me write better!

Also, lots of assignments. Been busy with college and stuff.

I've also been looking through Youtube for videos about building stories...at least I hope I can manage to learn a thing or two and put it into writing.


**BGM: Piano Eightysix-One - Hiroyuki Sawano**

A quiet breeze blew through the fields. Plains of grass dancing in the silver moonlight. An ethereal realm submerged in peace.

The opposite of what was going through Shirou's mind.

He trudged along the road, slumped forward. The blood from his wounds, dried from the cool night wind. The adrenaline long gone, allowing the pain from his wounds to reach his addled mind. But it did not stop the emotions wrecking havoc inside him.

The tears on his face had dried long ago. But the heavy feeling inside him threatened to burst another wave of tears again.

He could still remember everything clearly. The events earlier, repeatedly playing in his mind. Sakura's desperate screams and the beating he received, carved into his memories forever.

Then Shirou heard the sound of flowing water, reminding his body of a thirst forgotten. He slowly shuffled along the road side, looking for the source of water that could finally quench the fire in his throat.

In the distance, he saw the road bending to the right following a small stream. Necessity urged him forward, to move faster, but his body couldn't answer the call.

Bruises covered his arms and legs, and perhaps a broken rib or two. Shirou didn't know it, but his body was critically injured. Reinforcing himself to chase the carriage for an hour intensified the damage his body received from the beating. It may have strengthened his organs and capabilities for a while, but the downside was that it sustained the injuries, resulting in his own body tearing itself apart within.

Now that the Reinforcement wore off, the durability of his organs had dropped off completely. Internal bleeding and burst blood vessels were the least of his problems, not that he even knew of it.

Shirou reached the bend and agonizingly forced his crying body to lean forward to reach the water using his hands. Then completely tumbled and dropped into the water, causing him to cough out blood from the pain.

There he lay, resting on the streambed, trying to drink what little amount of water he could. Swallowing was a struggle, his throat crying out with pain from each gulp of liquid he forced.

At least the water felt cool against his body...was his last thought before slipping into unconsciousness.


Unknown to him that there was one person watching his struggles. An observer, drawn in because of an event that transpired years prior.

Blue prana appeared in the air, signalling that a spell or magecraft had been enacted on the space. A flicker, the threads of reality, being rewoven in reply to the caster's whims. An invisible spatial tear followed.

Then a shimmer, followed by the appearance of a tall aged man dressed in black clothing from a different age. His wooden cane lightly tapped on the ground as the old wizard approached.

"The source of that dimensional anomaly nine years ago...how interesting..." The Third of the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg hummed to himself.

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