Volume 3: Orth Holy Grail War CH1.1

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Author's Note

So, after my very long break on this story, I've decided to rework the beginning of Volume 3. I also understand that Volume 2 was a big mess, and that I shouldn't have included Akatsuki and all the inserts like the Azur Lane girls. I'll make sure to do better for Volume 3.

Anyway, some parts of this chapter will stay the same but others will be completely reworked.


"You pass."

Shirou's heart leapt in joy.

Time may not have passed in his reality marble, but the idea that a year had passed in the Realm of Man weighed heavily on his conscience.

He should be 14 years old. Shirou didn't remember his birthday, but keeping track of each winter was simple, a method used during the middle ages to count their age.

After one year in the Realm of Man, Shirou was finally coming back.

The gateway in front of him stayed anchored despite Shirou's excitement keeping him from focusing completely on it. He had developed his ability with Zelretch to the point that even a massive attack from The Wizard Marshall would have difficulty destroying the bridge.

After all, they wanted it to survive long enough just in case Shirou met opponents more powerful than him. Which was on par for the course of what he had been through for most of his life.

Unlike most of his other craft, Shirou was confident that this could at least survive a few attacks from Lunulupae.

"So...why did you want me to anchor to this specific point exactly?"

Shirou remembered that Zelretch gave him the coordinates to anchor his exit point on. It was deeper than he originally intended, slightly being off the Realm of Man's surface.

It was practically halfway between the World Tree branch and The Realm of Man.

"There is an artifact there. Something that would help you accomplish your goal."

Zelretch hummed. While surveying the surface texture of this world, he had come across a very familiar artifact, one that was common across many realms he had seen.

"I believe in your ability. You can find it."

Shirou took the powerful apostle's advice seriously. If Zelretch truly considered this artifact to be helpful, then locating it should be his first priority upon returning.

Informing his friends that he was alive could be done at a later time.

Shirou shivered for a bit. For a second, he remembered how Rin would react if she found out that he intended to prioritize his goal over his friends again.

But really, he was doing this exactly for the sake of his friends.

"Thank you...I would not have this chance if not for you."

Zelretch opened an eye to look at his latest student. He had no intention of mentoring the boy outside of dimensional travel, but his work ethic- combined with his creativity in using the tools at his disposal- was a tempting prospect.

But that was for another time. He would return from time to time to check on the boy, and maybe one day he would ask for his help again.

"If you land yourself in trouble, do call on me. Rin would never forgive me if I let her boyfriend die before she killed you herself."

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