Volume 1: Beginnings CH12

150 8 3

Shirou stared down Heinrich. Options running through his mind. There were only two choices really, try to fight from a distance with his bow, or close in and face her with his fists.

Bow seemed like the better idea. He didn't know what her powers were, and with Lunulupae potentially out of the equation, there was practically zero chance of him surviving anyway.

Time to give it his best try.

"Shirou, what are you doing?!" A growl came from the plume of smoke.

Shirou glanced at Lunulupae emerging from the smoke. Her jaw was bleeding from numerous gashes, a result of tanking a failed attack head on. The scene only convinced Shirou that he needed to do something to help.

Eugen clicked her lips, hand still outstretched in the direction of the phantasmal beast. "I hoped you would've dropped from that. Seriously, why do you have to make it hard for yourself?" Her face was strained, trying to keep the wolf locked under her control.

"I'm trying to help you!" Shirou responded. Change of plans, it looked like melee was the only option. Using a bow while Lunulupae fought was only going to hinder him from helping. The sheer carnage and shockwaves she could unleash would only fling all his arrows away from their intended targets. Said targets being equally as powerful as Lunulupae, judging from how they were able to hurt her.

It was a risk he was willing to take. He was placing his life in the hands of his reinforcement, it was about time he put his magic into practice.

Prana circuits surged as Shirou prepared to fight the girl in front of him.

Let's test the waters shall we? Save Mode is the weakest of his reinforcement abilities, focusing more on stretching the limit of his ability over power.

Power thrummed within Shirou's reinforced body as he unleashed a picture-perfect right hand jab at Heinrich.

Only to find it easily caught by her hand. His fist was trapped within her grasp, and Shirou found it hard to pull it back. Eyes widening, he realized that Heinrich wasn't like normal people. Her grip strength was unnaturally powerful, slowly crushing his hand even.

This was bad. Shirou needed to back off and reconsider his plans.

He boosted the reinforcement in his arm to medium strength, briefly surprising Heinrich, then jerking it out of her grasp. One quick jump landed him a distance away from the powerful girl. She didn't chase after him, preferring to stay back.

"Impressive, we already knew you had some hidden strength, but that boost was beyond what I expected." Heinrich smiled at Shirou. Despite being enemies, she knew that he was a good kid. It was only unfortunate that he had to get dragged into all this.

Honestly, killing him would be a pain. Especially when he had such a promising future ahead of him. Such talent would sooner or later be found by people anyway.

Shirou watched Heinrich across from him. Where did her strength come from? He made sure to check with Mana Analysis, but found no active or passive spells in play.

She had caught him with pure strength alone.

Could people actually gain that much strength? As embarrassing as it was, he had remembered how their bodies looked in pyjamas last night. You really couldn't forget such a scene. Not when they were probably the most beautiful girls Shirou had met up until that point. Living on the edge of civilization really didn't teach him to expect much.

One thing was for sure, her body didn't reflect the amount of power her body had.

Plan A was still in action. He could test further by boosting his strength during his attacks, then retreating with Save Mode to preserve his energy. It should at least give the illusion that he had stopped holding back. Then later, he could go all out and use Power Mode at full strength.

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