Chapter 10

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I told Jacob everything, having to stop everything now and then to wipe my tears and hug him. I told him everything...

"It was a day before my birthday, 2nd of March. I woke up with what I thought was going to be a great day feeling. The smell of hairspray grew stronger as I walked past Heidi's room. I practically ran down stairs and shoved 2 waffles into the toaster. But then something seemed off, really off. The light of the basement was on and Christoph hadn't come out of his room for what seemed like ages. I called down the stairs for my dad but there was no reply. My dad's guns were down there so we weren't normally aloud down there without another adult. I thought that my dad was maybe going shooting early in the morning so I stumbled down to see what he was up to. The chill if the wind ran cold on my legs. As soon as I got the the bottom step it was clear that something had happened. A trail of blood was smeared down the concrete stairs and my heart skipped a couple of beats. My younger brother, Christoph, was slumped against the shelves full of old family games. He was covered nearly head to toe in blood. The window was smashed and wet, fresh footprints emerged from the door. Christoph was part of a gang. Not a nice one. They made him steal and hurt people just so he could have money. He made so much money he started helping out with bills and huge tax payments. He even got our family out of debt. He loved helping everyone. If he could help he was happy, but he managed to keep the gang a secret from  our family. Everyone except me and Heidi. She was staying  with us for a while. Everyone found out about the gang after that. After they pronounced him dead I mean. I still blame myself. Me and Christoph swapped rooms not long before. So at first they peered into my room. I thought i saw them but I decided to ignore it, thinking g it was my anxiety. I could've helped Christoph..." my words ran dry

"No you couldn't alex-" Jacob said and I sobbed into his shoulder. "Your here now. Would you like anything to eat, you haven't eaten yet today."

"No thanks I'm good." I say flashing him a fake smile.

Why can't I just tell people what I'm feeling...?

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