[Taekook] CEO Kim Got Called "Daddy"

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(Requested by pjmxmym 💜)

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(Requested by pjmxmym 💜)

"Baby, you stay here, okay? Papa will just got and get us some food, yeah?" Jungkook says as he brushes his son's bangs back, kissing his forehead.

"Yes, papa!" His little one says, making him smile.
"Sit down here, papa will come back" Jungkook says, wearing his backpack and walking to the popcorn stand.

But since Haejun got distracted, he got down the chair he's sitting on. He looked around with his mouth open, amused by the amazing lights that covered the whole area.

Because of this, he bumps into someone. Looking up, he's met with a handsome man, making his eyes light up. His papa had always said his daddy was handsome, maybe this is his daddy.

"Daddy?" He says, causing the man to stare at him in shock.
"Mr Kim, you have a child?" The guy's "friend" says.
"Haejun! Oh, my goodness... Where are you?!" He heard, turning his head to see his papa.

"Haejun!" His papa says, running to him. His papa hugs him and let out a sigh of relief.
"Papa! Is this daddy?" Haejun says and points at the guy in front of them. Jungkook looks up and sees a familiar face. He gulps, biting his bottom lip, picking Haejun up and bowing.

"No, no, baby, he's not your daddy, yeah?" Jungkook says and apologized at the person. Jungkook recognizes the person because of the articles he's read about him, he's the CEO of a big company. He excuses himself and walked away.

Taehyung was mesmerized from the guy's beauty that his secretary had to snap him out of his trance. He looked at his secretary who laughs.
"Didn't know you had a child, Mr Kim" His secretary says and he glared.

"I don't" He says, huffing.
"Okay, okay, let's go... You still have a meeting to go to" His secretary says and they walked away. He wishes to bump into that guy again.

"Will papa go to school now?" Haejun asks as he looks up at his papa, holding his hand.
"Yeah, baby... You too, you're going to school... We're both going to school" Jungkook says and Haejun giggles.

They both stopped as a guy in suit stops right in front of them. They both looked up and it was the same guy from before.
"Daddy?" Haejun says and Jungkook shakes his head.
"No, baby, I told you he's not your daddy" Jungkook says, laughing awkwardly.

"But you told me that daddy is handsome... And he's handsome!" Haejun says and Jungkook scratches his nape.
"Hmm... Am I?" Taehyung, from what Jungkook read, says as he smiled at Haejun.

"Yeah! You and papa are both handsome!" He says, smiling wide. Jungkook looked down, blushing.
"Hmm... How about I have a talk with your papa then?" Taehyung says and Jungkook laughs.

"Sorry, Mr Kim... But we're kinda in a hurry... I still need to take him to preschool and I still have to go to university" Jungkook says, bowing before they walked away.
"Hmm... " Taehyung let out, nodding to himself.

Jungkook sighs as he looks at his money. He only had a few left and he still needs to buy Haejun food. The only thing he's thinking about is feeding his son, even if it means he won't be able to eat himself.
"Can I sit here?" He hears, looking up and is met with the CEO, Kim Taehyung.

"Why the heck do we always run into each other?" He thought before nodding, he didn't wanna be rude especially when it's a damn CEO. Taehyung sat down and looked at the money.
"What happened?" Taehyung asks and Jungkook smiled a little.

"It's nothing, CEO Kim... I just don't have enough money to buy food for my son" Jungkook says, scratching his nape.
"How about I buy you guys groceries?" Taehyung says all of a sudden, startling Jungkook.

"H-huh? O-oh, no... It's okay, Mr Kim... I don't want to have any problems with you" Jungkook says and Taehyung chuckles.
"It's okay, you don't have to pay... Consider it as a chance for me to know you better... Since your little one seems to be calling me daddy" Taehyung says and Jungkook stared at him, gulping.

"Thank you for the ride and for the groceries, Mr Kim..." Jungkook says, bowing as he got out of the car.
"Uhm... Can I... Have your number... And, you know... Can I take you out?" Taehyung asks, feeling a little nervous by now. Jungkook is a bit shocked but smiled before nodding. He typed in his number into the older's phone before bidding goodbye.

A week later...

And by that, Jungkook and Taehyung got closer. They started talking, texting and going on dates. Haejun is very excited about having a daddy, he wants to know how it feels to have two parents with him.

Taehyung also found out about Jungkook's story after the younger told him. That his baby daddy left him when he found out he was pregnant, and that he was only 18. But he didn't care, he likes Jungkook for his personality and his dedication on studying and being a parent at the same time.

It took them a month before they finally started dating. You could say, Taehyung enjoyed being called daddy. And Haejun is happy to finally have two parents.

(889 words 😍)

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(889 words 😍)

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