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I was starting to grow more nervous about college as time went on. Thinking that I was going to start lessons in three days made me feel physically ill. I'd even started getting panic attacks, something I hadn't had since the breakup.

I'd been suffering from anxiety since I was in middle school, and throughout the years I'd learnt how to manage it and cope with it. But in moments like those, full of stressful events, it always felt like all the years of therapy were totally useless.

And the fact that I was completely alone in a huge city wasn't really helping. I couldn't even call my parents because I didn't want to prove they were right. I knew they weren't right but in that moment it kind of felt like it.

The only person I thought would be a good idea to call was Vic, my best friend.

We'd been friends for about four years by then, but it honestly felt like way more. We started to get along with each other as soon as we met and hadn't stopped since.

She's the person who got me through most of the problems I was having in high school. As much as I felt alone during those times I knew I could always count on her.

It was harder to leave her behind than anyone else, but we agreed that we would always remain in contact and see each other as much as possible, even though we went from being ten minutes apart to being four hours apart, since she'd also moved to another city.

you: you busy?

vic<3 : does watching ocean's 8 for the fifth time count as busy? 

you: hmm, not sure about that

vic<3 : well i guess not then lol

you: in that case, if you don't mind leaving sarah paulson for a while, can i call you? 

vic<3: but you KNOW how much i love sarah paulsonn

you : .... 

vic<3: lmao just kidding, ofc:')

Still laughing at Vic's texts I went to the bedroom, where the lighting was better, and pressed the FaceTime call button.

"Hi! What's up? " the dark and curly haired girl said as soon as she picked up, looking as radiant as she always does.

"Hi! Uhm, I guess I just felt like talking to someone and I know I can always count on anxiety has been going insane lately and I'm having trouble handling it" I replied with a more serious look.

"Oh no... is it because of college? New city and everything?"

"Yeah. Definitely"

"I get that. I told you how bad I felt last week because I was scared of being alone in university and stuff"

"Yeah. How's it going? Please tell me it's not as bad as I think it is"

"I am pleased to tell you that it's all going fine, way better than I thought it would! I already made two friends and the professors I've met in these few days seem great! So yeah, I know it's hard to do but try not to stress out to much. I'm sure it'll be fine" she reassured me.

"Oh wow, I'm so glad to hear that Vic." I said, feeling relieved. "I'm just worried I'll end up alone and stuff. I'm not sure I'm good at approaching people"

"I admit you can be a bit awkward at times..."

"That's not helping"

"... but that makes you even cuter. Of course people will want to approach you"

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