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1 week later

"I can't believe they had the elevator fixed right in time for this" I said, moving another full box towards Sam's apartment front door.

"I know! That was lucky. The universe was on our side" my girlfriend chuckled, helping me take the box inside.

After a few days of intense thinking, I'd decided to move in with Sam after all. I figured it was the best thing to do, partly because finding somewhere else so late in the year was impossible, but especially because just thinking of not being a minute away from her everyday made me really sad. I realized that living with her would have made me feel much better than avoiding it because I was scared to be too much for her to deal with. I trusted her, and we'd been through enough together for me to finally be convinced that something like that wouldn't happen.

I hated that my parents' opinions had gotten to my head so badly that I thought that distancing myself from Sam was the best thing to do, despite knowing how many good things she'd actually brought in my life. I'd convinced myself my family was supposed to know me better than anyone else, which meant they were also right about me deserving to be alone. But, as much as that sucked, it wasn't true. Even though I'd known her for less than a year, I felt like Sam knew me and was able to get me like no one else had ever done.

And I felt like we'd had some kind of new start ever since I'd gone back to New York with her. I finally allowed myself to be with her without worrying about what other people thought, and about being scared of my personal issues being an extra weight for her. I could get through anything, as long as I was with her.

She'd been incredibly patient and understanding with me in the past few days. Although we were officially back together, she'd been giving me as much space and alone time I needed in order to make a decision that felt right to me. And I really appreciated that. Turns out that anything that felt right to me eventually included being with her.

"All good?" Sam asked after a while of me being silent, while she tried to make space for my stuff in the kitchen.

"I'm great" I said, walking to her. "Just thinking about how happy I am to be doing this"

"I'm really happy too" she smiled, placing her hands on my waist and pecking my lips. "Part of me still can't believe we're really doing this"

"Same. It's kind of wild. In a good way" I agreed, feeling butterflies in my stomach just at seeing her so happy. "Although I'm a bit sad I won't have a good excuse to steal your mugs...and your clothes"

"I'm quite sure you'll keep doing that anyway" she chuckled. "Let's go and get the last stuff from upstairs now, so we can finally settle down here" she added right after giving me a quick forehead kiss.

It only took a few hours to actually get my stuff out and make the place look like it was my apartment too, because I'd been spending so much time there and I'd gradually been leaving stuff there over the past months.

But I had to admit that even if I'd slept there countless times, getting in Sam's bed that evening felt better than it ever had. That was actually my house. I was living there. With Sam. My girlfriend. It all felt like a dream, honestly. The past weeks had been so full of emotions and stressful events, but that day I finally felt completely relaxed and free of any worries.

"How do you feel?" Sam asked as she got in bed with me.

"Amazing" I just said, curling up next to her. "You?"

"Amazing" she also said, wrapping an arm around my waist and running her other hand's fingers through my hair. "We can go and get a copy of the keys for you tomorrow"

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