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The next two days felt like nothing between me and Sam had ever even changed, as if time stopped after Valentine's day and suddenly started again.

We spent them making the most of the last days of spring break, and I didn't even have to work so we really had all of our time to be together. Even if we slept for half of the first of the two days because we'd ended up spending most of the night before... definitely not sleeping.

I just wished I could have told my two weeks before-self, almost convinced that Sam would leave me for the dumb things we both did, that everything would actually turn out to be fine. That we'd eventually figure the situation out and use it to learn from our mistakes.

I hadn't felt scared or paranoid about Sam ever since our fight, and I'd reached enough awareness for me to know there was no need to. But I also hoped Sam was feeling less scared about me not trusting her and everything else she talked to me about, although I sometimes still found it hard to fully grasp what was going on in her head.

Unfortunately time moved too fast and we soon had to go back to our usual daily schedules of working and college.

"See you after class?" Sam asked as she parked her car in the usual spot.

"My shift is immediately after and I have plans with Mei later" I sighed. Mei wanted to tell me all about her and Sarah's getaway, and I honestly was very curious about it. "I think she and Sarah are officially together" I added.

"Oh, good for them" she said, taking her sunglasses off. "That's okay, have fun then" she added with a smile.

"Thank you" I smiled back, giving her a peck on the lips. "See you in class in like, two hours"

"Right. I sometimes still forget" she chuckled. "I'm gonna have to tell you all something I know you won't like"

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You'll know when I tell everyone. You're always saying you don't want to be privileged because you're my girlfriend and all"

"Come on!" I pouted. "Please? Just tell me as my girlfriend and not as my professor"

"You'll have to wait, my love" she shrugged as she cupped my face and quickly kissed me.

"You're annoying" I scoffed. "But I love you"

"I love you too" she laughed, going for another kiss.

"Someone might see us" I moved back, as much as I didn't want to.

"There's literally no one here" she checked our surroundings.

"You never know" I said, wondering if I was just being too paranoid.

"Fine" she chuckled. "See you later baby"

I had no idea on how she knew I wouldn't like it, but I figured what she meant earlier right as she started to talk about some group project we'd have to do for her course.

"I know most of you are going to be annoyed with having to do this because group projects are often painted as something incredibly stressful and that inevitably causes conflict within the groups. But trust me, that's absolutely what I want you to avoid. And it might not seem like it but these kinds of projects are actually really good for developing useful skills" she said, projecting a powerpoint full of project guidelines.

I knew she was talking to everyone but I also felt that she was personally trying to convince me. Especially because she just kept looking in my direction, making it really hard for me to even listen to what she was saying.

"The good news is that you'll get to pick the groups. The important thing is that there's no more than four of you per group" she added, causing an audible sigh of relief throughout the room. "The mark is going to be ten percent of the final exam grade, so don't underestimate this. Once you decide the topic you're going to work on you can email me, or come to my office if you prefer to discuss it in person. Both my email and office hours are in my syllabus. Everything clear?"

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