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"I'm pretty sure I'll get bruises on both my knees, you know" Sam said once we were finally able to be alone in her office, massaging her knees over her elegant pants.

The meeting with Mei and the other people for the project wasn't as embarrassing as I thought it'd be, knowing what Sam had done to me just an hour before, even if I felt Mei's gaze on me most of the time and noticed Sam was doing anything to avoid eye contact with Mei.

"That's your fault for being too impatient to move to somewhere more comfortable" I giggled.

"I'm the impatient one now? May I remind you of the words 'stop teasing me' coming out of your mouth?" she raised a brow.

"That's...that's different" I jokingly pouted. "Don't blame me for your hurting old lady knees"

"And you don't ever say that again" she laughed, hitting my arm. "I wasn't blaming you. It was all worth it"

"Definitely" I smirked, planting a kiss on her lips. "I kind of wish I could skip my next lessons to stay here with you"

"No you don't" she chuckled. "Plus, I have something like five meeting with students whose thesis I'm supervising during the day"

"They get to be alone here with you????" I joked. But also kind of meaning it, maybe.

"This is literally my work office, of course I'm gonna be alone here with people"

"But they all probably find you attractive. Especially if you're discussing intellectual stuff" I wrapped my arms over her shoulders.

"I highly doubt it" she chuckled. "But even if that's the case, I don't care 'cause they're not you. Plus, you're the only one who gets the privileged seat" she added, obviously referring to her own lap.

"I'd fucking hope so" I instinctively said, surprised at my own choice of words.

"Stop being jealous" she laughed, kissing the frown on my face away.

"I already know who I'll want to do my thesis with in the future, then" I shrugged, ignoring what she said.

"Hm, we'll see" she kissed me one more time. "Let's just think of surviving our last week as me being your professor for now"

"True" I giggled. "See you this evening, then?"

"Of course" she smiled as I got up.

By then moving around the professor's office corridor had been my everyday routine for months, so when I walked out of the room I did it as carelessly as I'd always do, not really aware of my surroundings.

Once I'd closed the door behind me, I recognized a professor I'd seen there a few times, the same one who'd almost walked into Sam and I making out in her office many months before, also stepping out of his office.

I politely smiled at him, as I'd done other times, but this time I noticed he looked at me in a weirdly disapproving way. Maybe I was just imagining things, so I just walked away.

"I know what's going on there, you know" I heard him say from behind me.

"Excuse me?" I turned around, trying not to look as if I was terrified. I didn't even think he usually recognized me.

"You and Collins. You're always in her office" he lowered his voice's volume, moving nearer to me.

"I- We- We were discussing a project for her class. It's due next week and I had some doubts" I stumbled on my words, feeling like my heart could beat out of my chest at any moment.

"You've been discussing this project for a very long time" he raised a brow. "Look, I can't report this to anyone because I don't have any evidence, but don't think I haven't noticed"

Bitter (wlw) (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now