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"We hope you enjoyed your stay here, Ellie" Sam's mom said as we got ready to leave the following morning.

"Yes, I had a great time. Thank you for having me here" I smiled, hoping they could tell how much I meant that.

"Oh, it's no problem. We hope to see you soon, darling" she squeezed me into a hug. "Send us a message when you get to London" she added as she also hugged Sam.

"Will do" Sam chuckled. "Bye mom, bye dad. Thank you for everything"

"Bye, girls" they both said as we walked outside.

As much as I was feeling sad to leave, a very small part of me felt relieved. I'd spent the past day trying to look as confident and talkative as I could around Sam's parents, even though I knew there was really no need. But I definitely started to wonder how extroverted people didn't get exhausted all the time.

We were luckily going to stay in London for one night, so the trip back home wouldn't be too long and exhausting. Sam said she'd completely take care of where to stay for the night because she knew a few good places in the city, and I'd repeatedly asked her not to overdo it.

"Seriously?" I turned towards her as soon as I saw the hotel we were in front of.


"I thought I'd told you to not book anything too expensive?" I furrowed my brows.

"Well, I'm paying anyway" she shrugged. "Plus, this isn't like luxurious or anything"

"Exactly, you're paying. That's why I told you not to overdo it!"

"Oh come on, let me treat you. It's our last night here!" she kissed me before I could say anything.

"I look as if I just got out of bed, I can't just walk in there" I moved away. "They'll think I accidentally walked into the wrong place"

"They won't you, look fine" she shook her head. "Look, I'm literally wearing sweatpants"

"Okay, but you're always somehow able to make everything you wear extremely stylish, which is not my case"

"That's not true. Plus, I'll glare at them until they feel embarrassed to death if anyone dares to judge you" she joked. "But if you don't feel comfortable here I can cancel and we'll find somewhere else, I don't mind. I promise it's not as fancy as you think, though"

"No, of course I'd like to spend the night here" I laughed. "If you really promise to defend me from anyone's mean stare"

"I promise" she chuckled, placing a hand on my waist as we walked in.

I didn't realize how much I needed to be in a tenth floor huge hotel room with a huge bed and with an amazing, breathtaking view of London and with someone who had just taken all of my luggage upstairs without me even needing to ask, until I actually was there.

I probably got too comfortable too soon because I closed my eyes for a second, when it was mid-afternoon, and I opened them to see the sun was setting.

"How are you always sleeping so much?" Sam, who was sitting next to me reading a book, jokingly asked as she noticed I was awake.

"Well, this bed is very comfortable" I giggled, sitting up. "The sunset looks great from here"

"It does, doesn't it?" she looked outside and then kissed me. "Have you seen the huge window in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, it's pretty cool"

"The bathtub is pretty big too"

"Is it?"

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