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Sam would be back that evening, and I honestly couldn't wait to see her.

We hadn't been talking much after that one phone call, but I really didn't make a big deal out of it, assuming she was probably very busy. And she did say she still needed some space after all. Knowing that I was going to see her in person in so little time was enough to get me through those thoughts.

I'd been feeling incredibly better than during the first days of her being away, I felt more like a person rather than a walking concentration of anxiety and sadness. And I was able to think about many other things that weren't Sam or directly connected to her.

Spending more time in the open air with Mei and her friends definitely improved my mood, and I'd also started to plan what to do with Vic when she came the following week.

I knew it'd be more or less noon when Sam caught her plane so I spent the last half an hour of class nervously checking my phone, waiting for a text and trying to not make it too noticeable to Mei.

"I'm glad this is our last class with this substitute professor. Collins is a thousand times better, isn't she?" she said towards the end of the lecture.

"I know! I'm sorry but he makes everything sound so boring" I said, glad that I didn't find him extremely boring just because I missed Sam but because he actually was.

"Oh my god, yes. I'd hate this class if he was our professor. I hope that whatever led her to leaving for so long was worth it"

"Yeah, same" I laughed.

sam<3: About to leave now!

I replied once I wasn't sitting right next to my friend, even if that meant that Sam would probably only read it once she'd landed.

you:  :)) can't wait to see you

Work had become less stressful than it had been recently, it almost felt as pleasant as the first weeks, once I started to focus on the actual job rather than on the person I had to work with for half of the week. But that day I couldn't wait for my shift to end because I'd been feeling too restless, due to the anticipation of Sam coming back.

I received a reply to the text as I'd just stepped into my flat again.

sam<3: Just landed
sam<3: See you tomorrow morning?

you: sure, get home safe <3

I wasn't really disappointed at her not wanting to see me immediately, but an extremely small part of me was expecting it.

What disappointed me a bit more was what she wrote to me the next morning.

sam<3: I had to leave for work early because they won't even let me rest for a day, sorry
sam<3: What time do you work today?

It wasn't her fault though, I assumed.

you: don't worry
you: i start immediately after class, until 5pm

sam<3: I'm in my office until 6pm, if you want to come then. Or we can meet at mine later

you: i'll let you know :)

Technically my first time seeing her again would be for her class. As soon as she walked in I felt an overwhelming sense of happiness. I had to cover my mouth with my hand because of how big I was smiling, but it apparently looked like I was laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Mei asked, confused.

"Uh, nothing. I had a thought" I awkwardly said.

"Hm, you're weird sometimes" she chuckled to herself.

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