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I was restless the whole journey back home, people probably saw me running off the train as if I was about to miss some other train after that. And I was happy to not find a seat on the subway for once, because I surely couldn't have gotten myself to sit still.

By the time I walked out of the station my brain still hadn't realized I was back in New York, but I'd never been happier to be in a city before. It felt like I'd left ages before, even if it'd only been less than a month.

I'd texted Sam to make sure she was home when I'd arrived, and I didn't even bother to go upstairs and leave my stuff before knocking on her door.

"Hi bab-" she said as she appeared in front of me, but I cut her off as I immediately dropped my suitcase and jumped into her arms to kiss her.

As soon as my lips met hers, she cupped my face in both her hands and I could tell she was smiling through the kiss. I didn't know how to explain it, but I also could tell we both felt how much the kiss was filled with need, and more desperate than any other kiss we'd ever shared.

I wrapped my arms over her shoulders and behind her neck, as if trying to make sure I was actually there with her in person. She moved her hands to my back and then further down, and unexpectedly attempted to pick me up, which I allowed, wrapping my legs around her waist.

"Hi" she chuckled, momentarily parting her lips from mine to kiss my forehead.

"Hi" I said with a giggle, kissing her again.

I didn't want that moment to end, I wanted to feel the softness of her lips on mine, her grip on my body, her floreal scent I'd missed so much, the sound of her light laughter and the sensation of her body pressed on mine forever. I could never get tired of it.

She moved to the other side of the room, still carrying me and not interrupting the kiss, until she gently leaned down to the couch, allowing me to lie on my back. But I didn't want to let go of her, so I just kept kissing her with my legs wrapped around her back as she laid on top of me.

"Hi" she repeated with another chuckle, caressing my cheeks and smiling so hard that dimples had formed on the sides of her mouth.

"Hi" I also repeated, quickly kissing her again.

"I missed you" she pecked my lips right before smothering the rest of my face with kisses, from the tip of my nose, to my forehead and my cheeks.

"Me too" I giggled, blushing at all the sudden attention. "I can't believe I'm here. I still need to process this"

"Well I'm right here, and not going anywhere" she said as she moved next to me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I'm all sweaty" I said, looking up to kiss her cheek.

"I don't care" she kissed the top of my head.

"Okay, then" I giggled as I somehow kicked my shoes off and curled myself closer to her, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"How was the journey?" she tucked my hair behind my ear and gently rubbed her thumb on my cheek, seemingly also not believing we were finally together again.

"It was okay. I was restless all the time because I couldn't wait to be here" I said, not able to to stop smiling.

"I've been restless all day too, couldn't sleep last night" she chuckled, gently moving my chin to peck my lips again. "You remember when we kissed for the first time here on this couch? It feels weird to think eight months have passed"

"Well, it wasn't technically our first-"

"You know what I mean" she cut me off with a chuckle. "Who would have thought that we'd be so desperate to see each other after just a few weeks of being apart a few months later"

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