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"Call me when you get to your apartment" I heard my mom's voice from behind me as I approached the front door.

"Will do" I chuckled. "Bye mom, see you in a while. Thank you for all the great food you cooked"

"Oh, you're welcome darling. I already miss you" she hugged me, or better squeezed me, one last time.

Once I was able to free myself from her arms and told her to say bye to my still asleep dad, I directed towards the station passing from Vic's house first.

We walked together through town, which was a really creepy scenario so early in the morning. I hadn't seen it at that time of the day since the first years of highschool.

Unfortunately, we had to separate quite soon after because our trains' platforms were in completely opposite parts of the station. We managed to say our final goodbyes after a few hugs and tears.

It felt weird to not have anyone to talk to during the journey but I just ended up listening to music and half sleeping for most of the two-hour ride.

I already knew the station was going to be packed with people, because everyone was also probably coming back from the holidays. And it was New York's central station after all. I just hoped I wouldn't get lost looking for the entrance Sam said she would wait for me in front of, since she couldn't drive up to the main one.

It probably took me lots more than it would have with less people everywhere, I thought I was about to get squashed by someone taller than me more than once.

But I forgot it all immediately once I finally walked down the steps that lead to the city and spotted the black-haired woman I'd been looking for, standing with her back on the side of her car while scrolling through her phone.

I wanted to scare her and just suddenly hug her without any warning, but she unfortunately looked up while I was still walking towards her.

My whole body suddenly felt light as her face lit up to my sight, making me think I was going to trip and fall on the stairs. But that luckily didn't happen.

"Hi!" I exclaimed once I was close enough, as I threw my arms around her neck to hug her.

"Hi, love" she hugged me back, soon after cupping my face with both hands to kiss me.

"I've missed you so much" I said, resting my forehead on hers. Hundreds of people were passing next to us but I really couldn't care. I loved being in New York because of that.

"Me too" she smiled, squeezing my waist a little tighter and quickly kissing me again. "Let's get going, too many people here"

"Yeah, definitely" I laughed lightly. "Where can I put my suitcase?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it" she said, lifting the luggage. "You get into the car, you must be exhausted"

"I thought this would be more tiring, actually. But thanks, uhm, you don't need to-"

"It's okay" she said as I watched her open the car trunk and sat in the passenger seat in the meantime.

"How was your journey?" she asked, opening the driver's seat door.

"Fine, I guess. Not many people in the train"

"Hm, that's good" she eased into the seat and soon after placed her perfectly manicured hand on my thigh, a gentle smile on her face.

"What?" I snickered, intertwining my fingers with hers.

"I'm just happy to see you. Really happy"

"Me too" I smiled, looking down without even realizing I had. Sam still made me nervous no matter what.

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