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(a/n: just a short filler chapter but i promise it's worth the read <3)

"When's Vic coming to visit again?" Sam asked as I was in her office, sitting on her lap. I'd really missed that too.

"She'll be here in three days" I said, happy to be reminded of that.

"Oh, that's nice. You feeling happy about it?"

"Yeah, so happy. Can't wait to show her around. And for you to meet her" 

"I've been curious to meet her, so I'm glad she's coming too" she said.

"As long as the situation of the two people who probably know most about me together doesn't turn into a situation of who can embarrass me first" 

"I'm sure it won't" she laughed, pecking my lips. "I was just wondering, since we won't really have spring break to ourselves, we could do something tomorrow or the day after. It's the weekend, after all"

"Sure" I smiled. "You mean something fun during the day or a proper dinner date?"

"You tell me. You know I'm always down for anything" she shrugged. 

"There are some other parks around the city I've been wanting to visit" I suggested.

"Great. That's that, then"

"Can't wait" I smiled again before pressing my lips on hers, feeling her grip on my sides tighten. I really did mean what I said, since we hadn't spent time alone in that way since before she left for London.

"You have work later?" she asked.

"Yeah, I have a two hour break between classes and my shift but I usually have to get there at least ten minutes earlier" I sighed.


"Just 'cause Sarah usually has to leave early but-" I started to say before realizing where I was going, not being able to get out of it at that point. "But, uhm, Maya always arrives late"

"Oh, okay" she said, seemingly unfazed. But I knew it was the kind of unfazed she'd get when trying to hide her annoyance. "I'm not surprised" she added.

"My class, or our class actually, starts in fifteen minutes" I tried to change the subject of the conversation. "Maybe I should start heading there"

"I guess so. See you in fifteen minutes, then" her face lit up again, quickly kissing me before I got up.

"Yeah" I said, wishing I didn't have to go. "See you later"

The following day

"Maybe we should've checked the weather forecast yesterday" I said as we got into Sam's car, noticing that the big clouds in the sky weren't really making the weather suitable to spend the afternoon in a park.

"It's alright, it'll eventually clear up. A few clouds never hurt anyone" 

"The Londoner in you is showing" I laughed, easing myself into the seat.

"Possible" she chuckled.

This park seemed to be less crowded than others, and the average age of people there seemed older, probably because it was further away from the university area.

"Look, the sun is coming out" Sam said as we walked along a path surrounded by blossoming trees. "I told you the sky would clear up" 

"I thought I was going to have to regret not taking an umbrella" I giggled, taking her hand in mine.

"We most likely won't need one now. You like it here?" she looked at me with a smile.

"Yeah, it's so pretty. I love this time of the year" I excitedly said. I loved living in a big city, but nothing could ever beat the feeling I'd get when around nature.

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