Chapter 16:  Noodles or Death

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Your's POV:
I was with Mr Tang & Pigsy getting some vegetables as I was reading my favourite book, while I was continuing to read.

"Now this is a beautiful carrot! And we're golden!" Pigsy said as I just giggled at him. "It must same 20,000 carrots we've looked at" Tang said as I closed my book. I'll continue to read my story later.

"Give me that! I wouldn't expect you to appreciate a fine carrot like this! You ain't no culinary genius! Ha ha. Like me!" Pigsy said as I rolled my eyes at him until someone got our attention. "My, my, my... you boys make quite a scene" A woman said as she came out from the shadows.

"Looking to buy some ingredients? Something tasty? You've come to the right place" she said as she flirt with Tang but, he was not attracted by her

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"Looking to buy some ingredients? Something tasty? You've come to the right place" she said as she flirt with Tang but, he was not attracted by her. "Oh! That's very nice of you, Miss. Pigsy will be really happy" I said to her as she turned to me until she had a shock expression but, hi expression went back to normal.

"My, my, my! You're a beautiful young lady, you remind me of someone" she said as I smiled nervously at her. "Thank Miss... but, I I think you're more beautiful, then me" I said to her until I saw Tang holding my hand tightly.

"Y/N. I don't trust her. We should keep moving" Tang said but, Pigsy went up to her as I came next to him. "You so beautiful vegetables today?" Pigsy said as Tang looked at him in confusion.

"Are you blind?" Tang asked him as I was very confused until I realised, she doesn't have vegetables or ingredients in the boxes. "That's right, sugar. You came to the finest shop in the whole market. Why don't you come around back and look at my exclusive wares" she said as I was the first person to go in the shop.

"Y/N! Wait a minute!" Tang said as he was worried for me, while Pigsy was next to me. "A little closer... A little closer" she said as I felt something was wrong until there was trap door underneath us. We screamed in fear until everything went to darkness as I hear a evil laugh.

Nobody's POV:Meanwhile with Mei & Sandy, they were playing video games together as they were distracted

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Nobody's POV:
Meanwhile with Mei & Sandy, they were playing video games together as they were distracted. Then MK came to them as he had a panic face and he was worried too.

"Guys! Pigsy & Y/N are missing!!" MK said as Mei & Sandy were confused. "What are you talking about, MK?" Mei asked him as MK was really scared and worried at the same time.

"I'm saying! Pigsy never open his noodles shop! Even, Y/N was always there in time for work!" MK said as Mei & Sandy finally realised now. "Pigsy never leaves the noodles shop close!" "He was pig-napped!!" They said as Mei looked at the video cameras to see what happened to them until they found out.

"Oh, no..." Mei said as she, MK & Sandy saw Pigsy, Y/N & Mr Tang fell into a trap by the Spider Queen Demon.

"A spider demon?! No way! I don't want to deal with them! This is so gross!!" MK said as Mei had a worried expression on her face

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"A spider demon?! No way! I don't want to deal with them! This is so gross!!" MK said as Mei had a worried expression on her face. "Mei? What's wrong?" Sandy asked as MK looked at her.

"Um... Guys... Y/N told me, she is scared of spiders and now she's in trouble" Mei said as MK was very worried for Y/N's safety. "We need to hurry and save Pigsy, Mr Tang & Y/N from the Spider Queen Demon!" Sandy said as they went to save them.

{Changing Fate} Lego Monkie Kid: Various x Female! Reader *Story Completed*Where stories live. Discover now