Chapter 21: The End Is Here

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Your's POV:
Today I was training with Aobing as I was dodging his attacks. I cannot stop thinking about that dream/nightmare of, Lady Bone Demon's baby.

"Y/N? Is there something wrong? You're not focusing on your training" Aobing said as I as I quickly answered him. "Everything is fine, Aobing. Let's continue on training..." I said to him as Aobing uses ice powers to attack me, while I dodged his attacks.

While I was training with Aobing, I was about to attack him until I hear a boy singing a lullaby song..? I gasp in shocked as my head was starting to hurt for some reason. I put my hands on my head trying to ignore but... that voice


I hear crying as my vision was blurry, I was in the crib as I was still crying until I woman came to the crib but, I cannot tell who that was because my vision was blurry.

"My little aurora. What's the matter? Having another nightmare?" The woman said until I saw familiar necklace over my head. It was the golden moon necklace, when the Mayer gave it to me. "It's okay, sweetie. Your Mummy here" she said as I was trying to see, who she is until she begins to sing.

(Play the song now!)

🌒 You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away🌒

I stopped crying as I grabbed a hold of the golden moon necklace, while the lady picks me up from the crib.

"I love you my little aurora. You will feel your destiny soon, when you grow up big and strong to overthrow your enemies" she said as everything went to darkness.

{Flashback Ended}

I gasp in shocked, while Aobing was not to next me as he was very worried. That necklace... it was part of my memory but... why??? Also, who was that woman?? Was she, my mother??

"Y/N? Are you okay? What happened?" Aobing asked as I was about to tell him until we hear A big explosion. It was coming from the city, where my friends are! "What's going on?!" I asked in a worried tone as Aobing's expression became serious.

"The battle just begun... Lady Bone Demon is free" Aobing said as I was horrified of this. I forgotten about it! Demon Bull King is using the power as she is control him too. "I have to help my friends!" I said as I was about to leave but, Aobing stops me.

"Y/N. Your not ready. If you go into the battle, your going to get hurt" Aobing said as I glared at him again. "I cannot stand here and do nothing! If I don't help my friends! Going to get killed!" And with that, I went past Aobing as he was calling me to stop but I just ignored him.

{Changing Fate} Lego Monkie Kid: Various x Female! Reader *Story Completed*Where stories live. Discover now