Chapter 33: Lotus Kingdom

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Your's POV:
We managed to get away from Lady Bone Demon until we landed on the airship. I growled in pain as Macaque helped me out.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Macaque asked as I nodded at him until I saw Spider Queen, while tears falling from her eyes.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Macaque asked as I nodded at him until I saw Spider Queen, while tears falling from her eyes

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I came next to her as she was still crying in sadness. I never seen her crying so much before. She must be in a lot of pain.

"Why... why did this happen..? I refuse to believe this!" Spider Queen said as she was crying so hard. Sadness to cover me but, I quickly got rid my sadness as anger took cover me. I saw Sun Wukong finish explaining everything to them so it's time to put my plan in action now. "Alright! Listen up!" I said as I got everyone's attention.

"We don't have much time! Lady Bone Demon is going to send her right-hand man to get us. The fake Mayor" I said to them as Macaque was next to me. Spider Queen listen as I continue to talk. "Also, Tang... I don't want you to explain everything, when someone is trying to tell us the plan. Even, information or stories about it" I said to him as Tang was shocked, what I said. Like I shattered his whole world and crumbling into pieces.

 Like I shattered his whole world and crumbling into pieces

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"Huh. Seems like someone doesn't want to get interfered, Tang" Pigsy said as he smirked at him. "Anyways. Wukong? Do you have the map of the Samadhi Fire Location?" I asked him as his expression became shocked and nervous too.

"W-Well... Umm..." Wukong said until I broke the silence. "You gotta be kidding me?! You didn't get the map?! Why?!" I asked him in annoyed as Macaque & Spider Queen were confused. Wukong was about to explain until MK interfered us.

"Excuse me! Can you explain to me what is the Shamadhi Fire?" MK asked us in confusion. Then Tang had an excited expression on his face so I let him tell everyone. "*Sigh in annoyed* Fine... go ahead" I said to him as Tang begins to explain everything about the Shamadhi Fire.

"You really think this Shamadhi Fire can destroy, the Lady Bone Demon? Wukong?" Macaque asked as Sun Wukong glared at him. "How do we know, this dangerous power will work?" Spider Queen asked as she was getting suspicious of this.

"Guys! We don't have time! Lady Bone Demon May have already send her henchman after us! You have to go get the map!" I said to them as everyone agree along with Macaque & Spider Queen too.

"Guys! We don't have time! Lady Bone Demon May have already send her henchman after us! You have to go get the map!" I said to them as everyone agree along with Macaque & Spider Queen too

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We were heading towards the Lotus Kingdom, while Sandy was controlling the airship. I was spacing out as I was staring at nothing until MK came to me.

"Y/N? Are you okay? You are quiet for a long time" MK asked in a worried tone as Mo was giving me company. "Yeah... it's just... I lost two people, I care for. Lady Bone Demon is going to pay for everything" I said in anger, while I wanted to destroy her.

"Sorry for interfering you guys but... we're here" Spider Queen said as we were amazed of the Kingdom.

"This is amazing!! We are actually here in Lotus Kingdom!!" Tang said in a excited tone as Pigsy was getting annoyed here

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"This is amazing!! We are actually here in Lotus Kingdom!!" Tang said in a excited tone as Pigsy was getting annoyed here. "Don't let your guard down. If the map of the Shamadhi Fire is here. That means someone is guarding it" Macaque said as he stand up from his sitting spot.

"I have to agree with Macaque. We can't let our guard down that easily" Spider Queen said as we got off of the ship until out of nowhere... so many guards were around us, while pointing their spears at us too.

"Oh, fuck... we didn't see this coming..." I said as we were shocked & scared at the same time too. "What the?! How did they know we were coming?!" Mei asked in confusion until someone answered.

"We were preparing for you because we know you are after the Shamadhi Fire" The guards moved out of the way as The person reveal themselves.

"We were preparing for you because we know you are after the Shamadhi Fire" The guards moved out of the way as The person reveal themselves

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"Oh, Great. It's the flower boy" Macaque said as Nezha got annoyed of him. "Oh god! I really changed everything!" I said to myself in shocked until Wukong broke the silence.

"Umm... Hi, Nezha... Long time no see..?" Wukong said in a nervous tone as we turned to him. "Wow. Way to ruin everything, Wukong" Spider Queen said as she was annoyed of him.

{Hi, everyone! I'm back from my holiday! And, I had so much fun too. I hope you enjoy this New chapter of the story. I'll be continue making. Enjoy continuing reading of the stories. Anyways, see you later everyone! 👋🏽☺️✨👍🏽}

{Changing Fate} Lego Monkie Kid: Various x Female! Reader *Story Completed*Where stories live. Discover now