w h a t t h e ? . .

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What the hell.. This is weird. I don't remember being in here anyway. Soon my thoughts were interrupted by the door creaking open.

Suddenly Tord's dad peeked through the door, and seeing me awake entered.

"Hey Y/n! Slept well? "

He said with an obvious accent.

"Yeah.. I feel better.. "

I replied, recalling the things from last night. I think I am traumatized for life now lol

"Well.. Why don't we go for breakfast? Afterwards you can get ready for the day. We'll be waiting for you in the kitchen "

Pau chirped, peeking out of the door. Pulling out a red hoodie, supposedly Tord's, I put one of his jean shorts and called it a day.


Entering the kitchen I saw Pau, Tord and another man, who I assumed was Tord's other family member.

Noticing me, Tord blushed at me, and then I realized I was wearing his hoodie. Thought I knew that 2-3 sentences ago but eh.

"Hei! You're Y/n, right? "

I only nodded to that, taking a seat at the table. He seemed to brighten up.

"Oh! Well then, I'm Tord's father, Pat. Nice to meet'cha! "

"It's nice to meet you too Mr. Pat! "

I replied back. So Tord has two dads? Nice.

''Uh.. Enjoy your meal...''

I said, but it ended up more as a whisper. The others just looked at me. Pau scrunched up his caterpillar eyebrows questioningly, Pat smiled while Tord just ate his food. Breaking the silence, the caramel haired boy replied.


''You're welcome.''

I replied to his reply, confusing my self, as I remember I once replied to mums reply to dads reply to my reply to my mums reply to my reply to my dads reply to mums statement few years ago. Giggling I finished my eggs and bacon.

''How was your uh.. your food?''

Pat asked, struggling for the words. I just smiled back, making him smile at me too.

''It was great!''

''Well, glad du liked it''

''I'm just wondering.. Why did you move to Serbia?''

I asked, wondering, as said in the previous sentence. He seemed to be a bit unsure and tensed up at the question.

''Well- this is mostly for work, we have a week left here, as we were here for a month already.. We weren't  really working it out, since your language is kind of hard.''

''Eh, it's fine. But that isn't the end of it, is it?''

He just nodded and motioned for Pau to continue, since he didn't really know what else to say. Pau caught it, replying.

'' We'll just go back to Norway then. But don't worry, you're coming with us.''

He gestured for a hug, and just as I wanted to hug him, his husband, Pat, hugged him instead. It was funny how he tried acting overprotective of the other male, as for it was just a hug.

I just giggled back, as another came from behind me. Turns out it was Tord. Well, who else would it be? Kim Kardashian?

No shit.

But as me and him went to our room, he showed me what he had.


First thing that caught my eye.

Anime posters!

Oo! I liked the posters, but after 10 great ones, I saw a few.. Not so friendly ones.

Thankfully they were on the insides of the closet doors. But eh, who am I to judge.

He also showed me mangas and the hentai ones. It was a bit weird, but sure. I guess I'll let it pass.

Then I saw a red poster with a yellow sign on it, as Tord explained,l that it was the flag of Soviet Union and what communism is.

Looking around, I just saw more red hoodies and black jeans a d jean shorts around. What the hell-

Okay. Seems like there were some hair brushes and different types of creemes and gells which Tore tried using to remove his hair horns.

But none the less, none worked.

And so we packed up, as for Tord parents had a private jet, Tord explaining the so called 'Red army' got it for them.

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