4 - Moving into UA

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It's later in the day and you've been moving into the dorms. Everyone seems to be eager to get to know you more, so you promised them that you would sit down and have a chat with them later. Mina, Sero, and Iida volunteered to help you move all your boxes into your new room. Mineta also volunteered but you turned him down for... reasons.

"Oh, by the way, L/n," you hear Sero mention as you're bringing the boxes upstairs. "Your next-door neighbor is Todoroki."

Your eyebrows raise almost instantly and Mina gives you a funny look. You shrug and walk ahead of them, pretending that his comment didn't affect you. You thought your encounter earlier went well but the atmosphere was still a little heavy between you two once you returned to class after lunch. Uraraka and the rest of the group didn't suspect a thing once you got back to the table because you said you "got lost". Not that it wasn't a complete lie.

"One more trip and we're done," says Iida putting the box he was holding.

"Thanks, Iida!" You cheered as you all head downstairs.

"Hey guys, Satou cooked a special dinner because of our new classmate! Come to the dining area once you guys are done," Uraraka announced on your way back upstairs.

You smiled at Uraraka and whispered a small "thank you" because that's pretty much all your body allowed you to do. You had insisted on taking the heavy, "books" labeled box all by yourself.

"I could have taken that for you, L/n," teased Sero.

"You know, Sero? Women are just as capable as you men. I am a strong, independent woman who can do whatever it is that men can do and whatever I propose to myself. Including. Carrying. A. Damn. Box-" You say as your arms couldn't anymore and you drop the box, "and I dropped it because I wanted to, not because I couldn't hold it," you reprimand Sero while poking a finger on his chest.

Sero raises both his arms and takes a step back, giving up with a small "sorry". You huff as you turn around to pick the box back up. However, you feel another pair of hands on it. You look up to find Todoroki's face a few inches away from yours. Almost instantly, your face turns red.

"That doesn't mean you can't let others lend you a hand when needed," expressed Todoroki, picking the box up and heading to your room.

You just stand there, stunned. Didn't really know what to say. Sero and Mina gave a look at each other, head first, then eyes. That confidence you had before quickly left your body.

"Hey guys I didn't know Todoroki was helping too," remarked Iida while leaving your room.

Todoroki exits your room while looking down at his phone, nods at you four, and walks past you, towards the elevator. Your mouth opens to try to say something, but nothing comes out. Defeated, you head downstairs.


You're STUFFED. Satou had prepared a ton of food for all of you and you hadn't even realized you were starving until you saw the piles of delicious dishes. You had managed to answer a few of their questions between bites about your life as your previous school, your friends, any significant others, etc. However, you tried avoiding most questions about your family. It was better this way.

"L/n, pretty please you could explain more about your quirk?" Begged Midoriya, while shaking you by grabbing your arm.

"Deku wait don't do that to her," says Uraraka, pulling him away from you.

"Sorry..." he says snapping out of it, looking down and scratching his head.

"Well..." you start as his eyes start shimmering and he pulls out his notebook.

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