I'm coming for you and I'm making war

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A/N: Part two of the previous chapter.

The song for this chapter is Irresistible by Fall Out Boy feat. Demi Lovato

"I just follow your scentYou can just follow my smileAll of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine Cutting me to the boneNothing left to leave behind You ought to keep me concealedJust like I was a weaponI didn't come for a fight but I will...

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"I just follow your scent
You can just follow my smile
All of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine
Cutting me to the bone
Nothing left to leave behind
You ought to keep me concealed
Just like I was a weapon
I didn't come for a fight but I will fight to the ending
This one might be a battle
Might not turn out okay

You're secondhand smoke
I breathe you in but honey I don't know
What you're doing to me
Mon cheri
But the truth catches up with us eventually
Try to say live, live and let live
But I'm no good at lip service
Except when they're yours
Mi amour

I'm coming for you and I'm making war"

Irresistible- Fall Out Boy feat. Demi Lovato

Duskwood revealed its true colors in the dead of night, painted in shades of black and grey and caged in by the menacing shadows cast by the forest. The cloud cloaked sky only added to the claustrophobic feel pressing down on Manon's shoulders. The few street lights scattered along the path incapable of penetrating the gloom, Manon kept away from them anyway. She was completely hidden in the trees alongside the road, blending into the shadows as she carefully picked her way among them and kept the route she'd memorized clear in her mind. It wouldn't do to get lost, she had no intention of becoming just another twisted legend of this Godforsaken place.

Manon made it to the natural ledge where the trees ended and stopped, her stomach a nest of snakes as she eyed the way the ground sloped down into what looked like a black pit. During the day this place was pretty, with lush green grass and nothing but forest for miles, night had rendered it into an abyss, her mind conjuring images of a gaping maw waiting to swallow her if she dared to step down.

She looked over to her left and spotted the single street light that Jake's puzzle had led her and Lilly to and inwardly groaned as she looked back down into that black hole. She really didn't want to go down there, even her sharp eyes couldn't see what was waiting for her at the bottom, but she had to get down and fast. Gritting her teeth and steeling her spine, Manon made her way down, crouching slightly to keep her balance since it was steeper than it appeared, a hand held out for balance and promising herself that next time she'd choose the normal idea, not the most dramatic one. She knew she was lying to herself but it helped her climb deeper into the darkness.

The air felt odd here like it was holding its breath to lure her in and her thoughts tried desperately to convince her something was waiting for her there. She had read enough horror books to know nothing good ever came of the blond girl who ran headfirst into danger, at least she wasn't running up the stairs instead of out the front door, silver linings. Manon shook her head, muttering insults at her ridiculous propensity to conjure monsters everywhere she looked, and stood straight when her feet hit flat ground, the grass muffling the sound of her steps. Manon made her way farther into the dark, ensuring that the street light with Jake's sticker on it was directly ahead of her before she knelt on her knees and settled in to set her trap.

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