You did a number on me but honestly, baby who's counting?

635 32 27

A/N: We continue where we left off, a few secrets are shared and Friday speeds by in a blur. Manon gets stuck in her head when something annoys her but Jake takes care of her. Nothing plot-wise really happens here, except learning a tiny bit of Manon's past, its an indulgent escape for them both to forget the world for a while and a break before the chaos starts.

The song for this chapter is So it Goes... by Taylor Swift

"Cause we break down a little
But when I get you alone it's so simple
''Cause baby, I know what you know
We can feel it

And all the pieces fall
Right into place
Getting caught up in a moment
Lipstick on your face
I'm yours to keep
And I'm yours to lose
You know, I'm not a bad girl
But I
Do bad things with you

Come here dressed in black now
So, so, so it goes
Scratches down your back now
So, so, so it goes

So it Goes... Taylor Swift

It was strange, almost effortless how easy it was to fall back into their usual amicable chatter. Peppering each other with random questions, making light of the things they'd done and absolutely no awkwardness between them. Manon had worried while he'd been downstairs gathering wine and snacks that it would be uncomfortable when he finally came back up to the bedroom. The sound of his footsteps echoing up the stairs a matching beat to her racing heart. She needn't have worried, he came with that dimpled half-smile, hands full of goodies and simply slotted himself in beside her as though he'd always been there.

It soothed her harsh edges and after a glass of wine she felt completely serene, her nervous tongue loosened by the alcohol. They were lying down facing each other, just two lovers in the dark getting to know each other, his hand drawing stars against the sensitive skin of her waist. She had done most of the talking, as was usual but he listened so intently and watched her every move as though desperate to learn everything about her. It was past midnight now, the questions that had earlier been light hearted now significant in their probing. Manon had to carefully pick out her every answer, revealing much but not enough at the same time.

"What did you do before you came here?" His voice was husky and deep but somehow delicate in its hesitation.

Manon drew in a breath and held it, weighing the pros and cons of telling him a bit of who she was without revealing the whole picture, scared of his reaction to what led to her being what she was. His eyes were clear, no judgement or artifice so she decided to tell him her most recent title.

"I have my own business," her voice was a quiet thing, too busy watching his face as he smiled imploringly at her.

"Corvin Investigations, at your service." Manon gave a mock salute and sat up to gulp down wine, suddenly anxious.

Jakes intense gaze followed the sway of her breasts as she moved but she could see the crease in his brow as he sorted through her words. She settled back down, suddenly not sure of what to do with her hands and settled on tucking them under her head as she waited for him to speak, avoiding his eye. The hushed silence between seemed to hold its breath with her.

"Fucking hell." He muttered, slapping a hand to his forehead.

Manons eyes flew to his face, confusion taking over the nervy energy radiating through her mind and body.

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