What the fuck does all this mean? You know, I'm still somebody's daughter

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A/N: This is mainly a tooth-rotting fluff piece with a tiny bit of plot in the middle! It's Sunday in Duskwood and not much else to do except revel in their joy

Small "fun" fact, the song for this chapter has been one I've used for almost every chapter since the second one. I'd name the chapter after it and type up the lyrics before writing the chapter. Each time I thought it was perfect until I was done writing and had to change the song to another that played in my head while writing. So, it's like a relief to finally use it because it's been my inspiration for Manons thoughts, actions and feelings since the beginning! I highly recommend listening to it.

 So, it's like a relief to finally use it because it's been my inspiration for Manons thoughts, actions and feelings since the beginning! I highly recommend listening to it

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"Who the hell is in your bed?
You better kiss goodnight and give some head
And then next, the morning comes instead
Well, is this the life that lies ahead, now?

Go on and be a big girl
You asked for this now
Go on and be a big girl
Or everybody's gonna drown you out
Go on and be a big girl
You asked for this now
You better show 'em why you talk so loud

I want my cake on a silver platter
I want a fistful in my hands
I want a beautiful boys despondent laughter
I wanna ruin all my plans
I want a fist around my throat
I wanna cry so hard, I choke

But I want everything I asked for"

You Asked For This - Halsey


Sundays were always her least favorite day of the week. It was always a day she wasted dreading the following one, Monday and even here, in her safe bubble with Jake she found herself wishing the day would end. The weather outside did not reflect her mood. It was another hot day, the sun splitting the sky and not even a wisp of a cloud dared to invade the endless sea of blue. The forest was a stunning blend of green and brown, all the different shades blending and mixing under the light of the sun. She thought it pretty, but it did not help her feel any better knowing what was coming soon.

Manon had spent the morning cleaning and doing laundry, music blaring to drown the screaming hurricane of thoughts racing around her head. She'd dressed all in red once done. She chose a pretty sundress that swished around her calves whenever she moved, the thin straps baring her shoulders to the heat as she settled on the patio with a cup of coffee. She'd taken the time to curl her hair, braiding the sides back to keep it off her face while the rest of it flowed down her back in waves, shining like brushed silver. Yesterday she'd worn her battle outfit and today she'd chosen another type of power. After all, she was signing a deal with the devil and wanted to look the part.

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