And there's a storm you're starting now

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A/N: this is also posted on Ao3 if you'd prefer to read it there and get it quicker! My username there is Miss_Celestia13! 

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A/N: this is also posted on Ao3 if you'd prefer to read it there and get it quicker! My username there is Miss_Celestia13! 

The song for this chapter is Hurricane by Halsey

"He says,
Ooh, baby, begging you to save me
Well lately,
I like 'em crazy
Ooh, maybe, you could devastate me

Little lady,
Come and fade me

I'm a wanderess
I'm a one night stand
Don't belong to no city
Don't belong to no man
I'm the violence in the pouring rain
Come and fade me

I'm a hurricane"

Hurricane - Halsey

The next morning was as awkward as Manon had expected. Jake had gotten up before her and she'd woke sprawled across the bed, the sheets tangled around her legs and was clutching his pillow as though it had tried to run away from her. She almost threw her phone at the wall when the alarms wouldn't go off on the first try but managed to restrain herself. She lay there for long minutes, her head thudding, listening to the incessant tapping coming from the corner of the room and talking herself out of getting up to slap the laptop out of his hands.

Manon wasn't a morning person, she was positively murderous first thing and it didn't help that she'd had very little sleep. The typing noise changed to the soft crackle of loose paper being shuffled, Jake yawned quietly and she wondered just how long he'd slept, had she dreamt him pulling her against him last night? Her dreams were so lifelike it wouldn't surprise her. It didn't seem like him but then again she didn't really know him that way yet. Jake cracked his knuckles and she fought the urge to yell at him.

Just get up and go straight to the bathroom, don't stop to chat and you won't have to kill him.

Manon raised herself onto her hands and pushed up to her knees, still hopelessly tangled up. Her head hung as the heavy ache of too little sleep seemed to increase with every move she made. She kicked her legs free of the sheets and stood, wobbling a little on her feet as she padded to the bathroom. She side-eyed Jake, he was wearing glasses and Manon pointedly ignored how handsome he looked in them, the combination of the black frames, dark hair and scruffy beard really worked for her.

Manon turned on the bathroom light and locked the door, biting back a groan at the state of her hair in the mirror, the braids hadn't survived her tossing and turning. She decided to forgo a shower and instead washed up in the sink, brushed her teeth and wrangled her hair into a messy bun on the top of her head. Swallowing a few ibuprofen pills with water from the sink. Her brain was still a few steps behind, always sluggish first thing and Manon decided coffee was vital before she killed someone for looking at her wrong. She spritzed her perfume on, breathing in the familiar scent and her headache thankfully cleared a little.

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