Live with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains down

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A/N: We start off with a bang ;) Manon meddles, a message from a friend sets her on edge and Jake opens up a little. A lot happens actually, I started writing this the day I posted the last chapter and couldn't stop until I finished. It might be my favourite yet! If you want to skip the smut it's right at the beginning, look for the stars to find the end! Song for this chapter is Immortals by Fall Out Boy.

 It might be my favourite yet! If you want to skip the smut it's right at the beginning, look for the stars to find the end!  Song for this chapter is Immortals by Fall Out Boy

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"Sometimes the only payoff of having any faith
Is when it's tested again and again everyday
I'm still comparing your past to my future

It might be your wound but
They're my sutures

I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass
I try to picture me without you but I can't

'Cause we could be immortals
Just not for long, for long
And live with me forever now
Pull the blackout curtains down
Just not for long, for long

We could be immortals"

Immortals - Fall Out Boy

She was in that half-awake state when she felt him move, sleep trying to drag her back down but aware enough to understand what was happening. Rough hands pulled impatiently at her thighs, parting them and rolling her onto her back, wide awake now but feigning sleep. She kept her body limp even as she felt the brush of his beard against the sensitive skin of her inner thighs and tried to keep her breathing even, lust stirred instantly when he blew a hard breath over her. Her heartbeat thudded too loudly, lazy licks of flame trickled down her stomach to burn in her core and dampen her folds. He slung her leg over his shoulder and she cracked an eye open, sunlight snuck through a crack in the curtain but he was hidden under the covers.

He seemed to stay still for an age, just breathing her in, then he pinned her other thigh against the bed and spread her wide, nipping at her skin with sharp teeth making her jolt. She got a grip on herself a second before his hot tongue ran along the seam of her, desire pooling fast and she grabbed handfuls of the sheets, giving up on the pretence of sleep. He had the nerve to wish her good morning, feeling the words against her slick flesh more than she heard them. He ran a hand down her flank, the one keeping her pinned moved to surround her entrance, parting her folds and teasingly light flicks of his tongue on her clit making her shiver. She bit down on her lip to keep quiet, the soft sounds of him lapping at her cunt and enjoying the taste so thrilling she was in torment already.

He was taking his time, each languid stroke of his tongue out of time with the blood racing to her core, and she couldn't stop the small sound of impatience that left her mouth, his midnight laugh muffled under the covers. He was in a teasing mood and she knew he would not let her come until he was satisfied she'd reached the point of desperation. Her thighs tensed when his hot mouth surrounded her clit and sucked her into his mouth whole, her hips jerking as he relentlessly worked her clit with his tongue. She cried out, hands diving under the covers to clutch at his hair to keep him against her and better withstand the onslaught, his fingers dabbling at her entrance to drive her mad. Pleasure caught  in its trap, her fingers pulling at his hair before he relented and eased off on her clit, throwing back the covers so she could see his face.

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