I'll do anything you say, if you say it with your hands

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A/N; this chapter is explicit for language AND sexual content

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A/N; this chapter is explicit for language AND sexual content. If that's not your bag it starts not long after Jake tells Manon to wait for him upstairs. You can skip the rest! The rest of the chapter doesn't impact the plot after that. ;)

The song for this chapter is Treacherous by Taylor Swift

"And all we are is skin and bone
Trained to get along
Forever going with the flow
But you're friction

Two headlights shine through the sleepless night
And I will, get you a, get you alone
Your name has echoed through my mind
And I just think you should know
That nothing safe is worth the drive
And I will follow you, follow you home

This slope is treacherous
And I-I-I like it"

Treacherous - Taylor Swift

It was well after midday, Manon had spent her morning at the bank and scoping out the Junkyard after a quick run to clear her head. Jake had stayed in the motel working on something he refused to discuss when she'd asked and didn't care to force it out of him now all her energy was focused on making sure everything went smoothly. She'd spent hours last night fielding the barrage of questions her friends sent in the wake of her confession and had been ready to pull her hair out by the end, Jake had been a soothing presence at her side so it wasn't all bad. In the end, all her friends except Dan had eventually agreed to move into the cabin on Saturday and Manon was grateful that her phone had been quiet since.

When she got back from spying on Richy's place, she spent another soul-destroying hour on the phone to the car rental place, convincing them to send her a car by dinner time that day, Jake smirking behind his screen whenever her tone turned vaguely threatening. She had to pay an extortionate fee but it would be worth it.

Jake had been slyly throwing questions at her all day, trying to figure out what she was up to and he would've been annoying if it hadn't been for the long, sultry looks he'd send her way whenever she teased him. Manon deflected as best she could while giving enough to appease him, the look in his eye told her he knew she was being deliberately evasive but Manon pretended not to notice.

The realtor had emailed her as they'd eaten a paltry lunch to tell her she could pick up the keys to the cabin that evening, the movers had finished early. They'd packed their things within an hour and were killing time now. Manon was trying incredibly hard not to think about the kiss last night, every time she did, her body would flush hot and her eyes would glaze over. Jake hadn't made any moves in bed last night, only wrapped his arm around her waist and wished her goodnight. She'd woken to find herself draped across his chest, legs tangled up in his and her face was buried in the crook of his neck. Thankfully she hadn't drooled on him but it was close. He slept through her carefully moving out of his embrace but was wide awake when she got out of the shower. He'd slept the whole night, probably because she'd pinned him there the entire time but was grateful all the same, the dark circles were a little lighter today.

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