
318 3 11

TW- swearing
Ship- matchablossom

Kojiro POV

I knocked on Kaoru's door and he answered instantly, as per usual, he tends to sit or stand by the door by the time he's ready and he's always early.
I looked at him, he was wearing his nose piercing, lip piercing and eyebrow piercing which I went with him to get yesterday. He did it on impulse after a argument with his parents and he wanted to piss them off.
"Morning," I said as he closed the door.
"You good?"
"I guess, my parents fucking hate the piercings," he laughed.
"Well that was the entire reason of getting them, was it not?"
"Yeah, anyway let go!" He said throwing his skateboard on the floor and skating away.
"Oi!" I yelled doing the same, within the next few minutes we arrived at school.
"Okay, the bell will go in a minute, let's get to class." Kaoru said walking towards our classroom.
We got to class as the bell went and walked in, most the class was in there already.
Kaoru walked to his seat with his head down making sure the teacher wouldn't see his piercings.
Me and Kaoru sit next to each other so we sat down and I intertwined our hands together under the table.
"Good morning everyone." Sir said.
"Morning.." The class said back.
"Today we are reading and analysing poems, and Kaoru put you head up."
Me, knowing Kaoru hates the teacher calling on him for anything squeezed his hand so he knows he's okay.
He put his head up.
"Take those piercings out now." The teacher said.
"Why?" Kaoru asked.
"It's distracting."
"How the fuck are piercings distracting?" He asked, hold up something is up Kaoru doesn't tend to act like this to teachers .
"How dare you speak to me like that, get out!" Sir yelled.
"I'm sorry." Kaoru said obviously now remember he's in class and people are  staring at him.
"And take the stupid piercings out." Sir said obviously pissed.
Kaoru walked out with his head down.
"Sir?" I asked.
"Can I talk to Kaoru, something has obviously irritated him and that is why he acted like that."
"Fine. Be back in ten minutes though."
And with that I ran out the class to the bathroom near the class which I knew Kaoru was in.
I walked in and I heard slight sobs from the stall.
"Kaoru?" I asked.
I knocked on the stall door.
"Go away stupid gorilla." He replied.
"Open the door," I said, "please."
He opened the door and I instantly engulfed him in a hug.
"Okay let's take some of the piercings out." I said walking him to the mirror.
"I don't understand.." he murmured.
"Don't understand what?"
"Well they want you to be yourself but force you to all look the same, it makes no sense."
"Yeah, anyway something is up and I want to know what it is," I said as he took his nose piercing out.
"Ainosuke broke up with me.."
"What?! Why?" I asked giving him a hug, I hate that guy. He's always been a dick head.
"He said I was 'too boring' whatever that means."
"I wouldn't say that.." You see I've liked Kaoru since we were like ten, he knows this but he never liked me back.
"I know you wouldn't.."
He looked up at me.
He kisses me.
"Wha-" I said.
"After he broke up with me I realised something, I liked you before then caught feelings for him and when you squeezed my hand when you could tell I was stressed, I noticed that maybe I like you more then I thought."
"So Ainosuke was fake love?"
"No, but I fell out of love with him but it doesn't help the heart break but I think I like you, I'm not 100% but I think I've always liked you deep down but because we were best friends I pushed it deep deep down and when I met Ainosuke I fell for him. But then he broke my heart and the feelings for you came back up to the surface."
I smiled and hugged him.
We stayed hugging for a minute.
"Oh crap! Take your piercings out or we will both be in trouble!" I said.
"Oh yeah! Sorry!"
And with that he took his piercings out and we walked back to class .

Sorry this is crap and make zero sense but I will get better!

Hope you enjoyed


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