Bad days

164 3 13

Reki pov-

I laid on my back sideways on my bed. I'm bored, but I don't want to bother my friends because their busy and I don't want to hang out with them because I know I will bore or annoy them.
Of course they never said that to me but I can just tell.
I mean I annoy myself and that's me!
*knock knock*
"Reki?" My mum called behind my door.
"Humm?" I hummed in response as in telling her she can come in and she opens the door.
"I'm going out with my friends, your sisters are out and I was wondering if you were going to do anything?"
"No." I murmured.
"Reki?" She asked her voice worried.
"Yeah mum?"
"Are you okay? It's like your distancing yourself again and last time that happened was when that friend of yours left.."
"I'm fine, seriously. My friends are busy," I smiled.
"Don't lie to me.. Reki, Langa texted and said you aren't answering him like you used to, it's like, he said , he feels like your pulling away and he's worried for you, and your other friends.."
shit ,I thought, I never really thought that Langa would pick up on that, not may people do..
"Mmm." Was all I answered with.
"Well, Langa is coming over in a bit. I told him he can, if you aren't going to talk to me please try and talk to him.." she ruffled my hair, gave me a kiss on the head and got up, "I'll see you later, I will leave a key for Langa as you don't seem in the mood to get up, I'll be back in a few hours and I'll get your sisters on my way home. Love you."
"Love you too mum, bye and mum?"
"Yes Reki?"
Mum smiled and walked out.
I stayed laying in bed for I don't know how long before I heard the door of my house open and steps walking towards my room after the person, who I could tell was Langa by the way he took his shoes if before entering, if it was a killer they would have broke the door and left their shoes on. Ha imagine a murderer came in while I was like this, alone, miserab-
"Reki?" Langa's voice cut my thoughts off.
"Mm.." I said still not moving.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I stayed silent and then I broke. I've had days like this before where I've been down, no mood to talk, cried without a reason, felt glued to my bed and not in the mood to do anything really but I've never once broke in front of someone, not my mum, my sister or friends but I felt comfortable around Langa.
"Ahh! Reki? What's wrong??" Langa panicked sitting on my bed next to me, my hands were over my face and I was trying to stop crying.
"Reki... look at me," Langa took my hands into his and I sat up, "please talk to me."
And to this I sobbed more and he just hugged me, held me. I felt so weak but I weirdly felt safe, usually when I cry in front of people I feel defenceless and scared they'd judge me but with Langa I feel fine.
"Reki?" Langa asked again, "what's wrong?"
"I-" I choked on my words "I don't know Langa..."
"Shh.. shh, it's okay," he said holding me to his chest.
"I- I really don't know anymore Langa.. I feel useless, like I've bore all of my friends and annoyed them. I've been told it before but not by our group and every so often it comes back, I'm sorry for pushing you away and everyone else also, I'm sorry, so so sorry.." I explained, "sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm being dramatic I'm sorry."
"No. No no! Reki it's okay! You aren't being dramatic, but please, please.. if your struggling at anytime please talk to me, it hurts seeing you like this, I want to help."
"I will, I promise and thank you Langa.." I said my head still on his chest, I calmed down a bit now, he lied back so we were both laying down and within a few minutes I was asleep.


Sorry this was kinda shitty

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