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Reki POV

The skate crew are talking about going to watch a movie at some point, but I'm just wondering if I'm invited.

They started talking about it and they have obviously spoke about it before and I want to ask but I don't want to seem annoying or needy.

'Okay so, we are going to watch ***' Miya said.

'Yep.' Cherry responded.

Am I invited?
Should I ask?
Will it annoy them?
Will I seem needy?
Maybe they don't want me to go but if I ask they'll feel bad and say yes out of pity.
I don't think I'm invited.
I just won't say anything.
Why am I overthinking this?
This isn't my old group, so why do I see the resemblance between the groups.
These guys are obviously closer with each other then me.

-2 years ago-

'Okay! So cinema on Saturday! Cool!' My old friend said.
'Yep! I'm so excited!' Another responded.

'Can I come?' I asked.

They gave each other a look.
'I'm sorry man, but our other friends will be there and I know you don't get along with them.'

'Oh. Okay then,' I let out a forced chuckle, 'I'm busy on Saturday actually so it wouldn't work anyway.'

'Sorry man, next time, I promise!'

I never went to the cinema or anywhere with them after that.
Never even asked.
They obviously didn't want me around.


'Reki?' Langa looked at me confused.

'Hum?' I looked and saw everyone looking at me.

'Are you okay kid?' Joe asked, it was then when I noticed my cheek had a tear slowly gliding down it.

'Oh, um yeah!' I wiped my eyes, 'sorry! Just zoned out a little!' I forced a chuckle.

'Okay...' Joe said, he didn't buy it but he won't pry, the others didn't either but they're the same.

'Anyway, we asked if you were coming to the cinema?' Cherry asked.

'Oh, I'm invited?' I asked, it kinda just slipped out, god that was a dumb question.

'Obviously, stupid slime,' Miya said rolling his eyes jokingly, 'why wouldn't you be? You're our friend.'

'Right... um, yeah, if that's okay with you guys.'

'Reki.' Langa said, he's the only one aware of how my old friends were and that's just because he's seen the way that group talk to me.


'Of course it's okay,' he smiled at me, 'we wouldn't leave you out.'


Authors notes:
Hey guys sorry for being gone for....

6 months-

And I'm back with angst/fluff!

This is more of a rant/vent about something that happened the other day-

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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