My boy❤️(trans Reki)

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Reki's pov

I stood outside the living room door unsure of what I was doing, I wanted to tell my mum that I was trans, that I was a boy, but the fear she wouldn't accept has kept me from doing so.

My best friends and boyfriend all know I'm trans and all accept me wholeheartedly! I feel like my mum might accept but it's still terrifying.

I walked into the living room my hands trembling slightly.

"Mum?" I said walking in to my mum who was watching television.

"Mhm, Remi dear! You okay love?" She asked and moved around a little so I could go and sit down.

"Uh, yeah, could I speak to you?" I said sitting down.

"You already are but of course, you sure you're okay?" She asked again, taking my hands.

"Promise you won't hate me..." I said tears threatened to leave my eyes.

"Oh baby, I could never hate you, what's wrong? You aren't pregnant are you? If you are I can help-"

"No mum..." I laughed a little, "I think..." I took a gulp, "I think I'm trans, we'll I don't think I know. I'm a boy and I really hope you don't hate me, I'm sorry..." I said putting my head down and tears left my eyes.

"Oh, baby, it's okay..." she pulled me into a hug, "it's okay, I accept you, I will always accept you, thank you for telling me, is there anything I can do to make you feel anymore comfortable?"

She let go of the hug and I looked at her, she was smiling at me.

"Could you call me Reki instead of Remi? I know I was named after your mother I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay Reki, if it makes you more comfortable that's all that matters to me."

"Thank you mum..."

"Of course, I would rather have a happy son then a dead daughter, okay? I've seen how you've been struggling a little recently and I want to help you, can I help you?"

With that I cried even more, I would rather have a happy son then a dead daughter, that will stick with me forever.

"Thank you so much." I gave her a hug again.

"Of course, son. Would you like me to phone the school so they will use the correct pronouns and name and so you can change for pe in a separate room? Also what pronouns would you like to go by?"

"Yes please and I go by he/him pronouns, thanks again mum."

"Of course." She gave me a kiss on the head and then went to phone the school and tell my sister and the rest of my family so I don't have to.

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