Don't forget me...

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Langa and Reki were hanging out at the skate ramps near their houses when some people came over to them.

"SNOW!" One yelled.
"Snow can we get photos?" Another asked.
"And autographs!" Another added and they all pushed Reki out of the way.

"Um.." Langa said and looked at Reki who gave him a smile, fake, but not the Langa could tell. Reki made sure his real and fake smiles were very close to the same sometimes he couldn't tell the difference. He knew if so many people weren't swarming Langa he would probably be able to tell the difference but he was so happy with the attention and so shocked he couldn't.

"Okay!" Langa smiled and Reki walked away to one of the ramps to sit on it.

"Who is that Red head?" Reki heard someone in the crowd ask.

"I don't know, probably a fan?" Another replied.

Langa had gone there for so much less time then Reki how could they know him but not Reki?

'Am I not good enough..?' Reki thought to himself, 'please don't forget me Langa.'

Once the crowd died down and left Langa went over to where Reki was sitting.

"You okay?" Langa asked. Reki didn't hear him since he'd zoned out.

"Reki?" Langa asked giving the red head a tap on the shoulder.

"Mhm?" Reki said looking up at Langa.

"What's wrong?"

"Just don't forget me... okay?"

"Why would I forget dumby. Your my best friend. My bestest friend."


That was a lie.
Or so Reki thought.

Just a year later Langa got popular.

Reki got ill.

Reki got hospitalised.

Langa never came to the hospital.


Reki believed it was he had forgotten him but taht wasn't the case.

Langa just didn't want to see him like that.

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