
168 3 16

TW- implied self harm

Ship- renga

Reki pov

Me and Langa were laying on my bed, Langa scrolling through his phone and me styling Miya a board as he asked for one.
"Rekiii," Langa said turning to look at me.
"Hmm?" I said still sketching.
"I'm bored."
"Hello bored I'm Reki."
Langa rolled his eyes then stood up. Then he-
Jumped at me.
"AHHHH!" I said as he landed on me.
"Hi-" I said trying to not blush with Langa literally on top of me.
"Hello," he said back, he then sat up and got off me.
"And that was for?" I asked.
"I'm bored." Langa repeated.
"Okay," I said putting the board down, "what do you want to do?"
"Play a board game?" Langa suggested.
"Sure, what game?" I asked.
"What you got?"
"Dunno, check the cupboard over there?" I replied laying out on my bed, Langa stood up and walked over. Then I remembered what Elise was in the cupboard but before I could say anything Langa had already opened the door.
He stood, frozen. Then he looked at me then the pack of blades on the floor, one with blood still on it, dried blood, but still blood.
"Reki..?" Langa looked at me, I felt the tears sting my eyes and Langa quickly engulfed me in a hug.
"I'm sorry.." and with that I knew those words spoke more then a 'I'm sorry' but also confirmed what Langa had guesses.
"Why would you do it? If your okay with me asking .." I could hear him trying not to cry.
"I- I.. when we fell out I would say to myself you better without me, I'm in no way good enough for you anyway, you deserve someone who will challenge you when you race and I just thought I needed to hurt, like I deserved it I guess. Those at S didn't help either, with their 'who's that weird redhead with Snow?' 'He looks pathetic compared to Snow' and with Miya and Shadow's teasing, I know it was just jokes but it hurt..." I looked at Langa who had started crying, I also took into account how I was crying.
"I'm sorry Reki..." Langa mumbled.
"What! No don't say sorry! It isn't your fault!" I quickly said.
"I know but I couldn't see you were in pain, I couldn't help, if I never did S this wouldn't have happened, if I didn't move here-" I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up.
"Look, I had done it before we met as well, before I met you I had no one at all, my old friend left me, I didn't talk to anyone at S, and I was more alone then ever. Don't blame yourself for me not talking when I am hurt, don't blame yourself for not realising I was hurt because no one could see it, not even Cherry and we know he can read people like a book." I giggled a bit and so did Langa at the Cherry part.
"When did you last, you know?" Langa asked.
"Around two months ago." I said with a slight smile, to which Langa returned the smile.
"Okay, if you ever need to talk I'm here okay." He said sternly.
"Okay, thank you..." I said looking at him, "Langa?"
"Yes Reki?"
"I think I love you." Shit. No. I wasn't meant to say that. Shit. He's going to hate me.
"I'm sorry please ignore that! I understand if you don't want to be friends or if you don't accept-" I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine.
"I love you too."


I hope you enjoyed!
Did you cry?
I did-
And I wrote it-
I'm too overly emotional-

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