Zoning out

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"The one who's not Langa!"

"Weird red head!"


"Weakling "

Those comments flew around Reki's head as he zoned out.

"Reki Kyan!" He heard someone yell, his teacher.

"Um, yes Sir?" He said still slightly zoned out.

"What's the answer?" The teacher asked.

Reki froze. Why the fuck do teachers do this. It's like they are trying to embarrass me. They never pick on me unless I'm zoned out, he thought.

"Uh, um, I don't know...." He murmured.

"What was that?" The teacher said loudly.

"I said I don't know!" Reki yelled, "sorry."

"Go to the headmaster's office. And think before not paying attention and then yelling at me."

Reki walked out with his head down, he felt the eyes of his classmates on him.

*knock knock*

"Come in." The headmaster stated. Reki went in, "why are you here?"

"I yelled at my teacher. I apologised but he told me to come here." Reki said looking at the floor.

"Why did you yell at your teacher?"

"I had zoned out and he picked on me. I panicked. I'm sorry Sir."

"Well then, just don't zone out. You will have detention today at lunch in class — with your teacher. Well go back to class. I don't want to see you here again."

"Yes Sir." Reki said walking out and back to his class. When he got there he went straight to his seat.

"You okay Reki?" Langa asked.

"Mhm..." Reki murmured. He and Langa hadn't spoken in a while because well Langa broke his trust.


This is terrible 😭

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