Am i a disappointment?

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Reki pov

I sat on the floor in the middle of my room with my mind going 1000000 miles per hour.

Am I a disappointment?

That's a question I keep asking.

I do shit at school
I'm a shit son
A shit friend
A shit partner
A shit skater
Just a overall shit person

What if my friends are pretending?
What if they know how I can't tell when someone is using me?
What if they see me how I see myself?

A fat
Mistake of a person

I can't do anything right.

'Reki?' I heard someone say from behind me.

'Mhm?' I said turning?

'You alright?' It was my sister, Koyomi.


Shit my voice cracked at exposed the fact I was holding in tears and a tear slid down my face. Koyomi ran towards me as she noticed.

"Reki what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine, are you okay? Do you need something?"

"Well for a start with all due respect shut up. You are not okay, secondly I'm great and I was walking past your room and your door was open and you were staring at at wall. Now what's wrong, don't tell me if you don't want to but please don't keep it to yourself."

"I was just thinking..."

"Well shit. That's not good. Thinking in your terms means overthinking, and if your crying it's probably due to something that's untrue and your brain is saying is true. So what's wrong?"

"How did you-"

"I'm your sister who has seen how your health has decreased since you lost that friend last year. So what ever it is tell your brain to shut up and you are a amazing person, okay?"

"Okay... thanks."

"Anytime!" She said giving me a hug. We stood up and went to the living room and watched tv with mum and other sister.


Sorry this is bad it's more of a vent to start with. But I had no one to tell me otherwise-

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